QIC realized on Friday that he had Q on Saturday (just happened to be a week earlier than he remembered) but then how many QIC plan their workout more than a day in advance? (kudos to the ones who do)So I laid out the pre-blast and only one assumed HC […]
On June 1, 2017, yours truly Q’d for the first time on a gloomy morning in Lenoir. Hundreds of workouts, 1000s of Merkins and LBCs, a couple of injuries and 2+ years later, I was tasked with leading the last workout as the Master Q of the Den. It’s really amazing […]
The Pax were graced with a rare weekday sighting of Babyface, but sadly were left without Swinger. Warmup: SSH x22 (“Gosh, we’re going on for a while. Wonder when the Q is going to st….oh yeah, I’m the Q!”) Humpees x20 Hairy Rockettes x20 The Thang: Grab blocks, mosey to […]
YHC pulled up to Prison Break with a few minutes to spare this AM to find Bizmark and Swinger laying on the ground, in the dark, stretching out. I hopped out and began my laps around the parking lot to try to wake up my knees (getting old is the […]
I pulled up to Prison Break and saw an empty parking lot. What is this? Everyone only skips on PBR’s Qs!! After a few minutes, the PAX started rolling in just in time. And then a few late arrivals made it a nice sized group! With everyone finally out and […]
Perhaps YHC should not play on the phone late at night. Especially as I’m starting my vacation early with an extra beer (or two) before heading to bed. Sometimes a call goes out for a Substi-Q, and bad decisions are made—at least bad decisions at 39 equal an early morning […]
So, F3 Lenoir has a shared Google Calendar to keep track of who’s on Q; and every once in a while someone mistakenly shares their personal calendar with the group. Needless to say someone has a pool party at their Uncle Bob’s but they never fessed up to it being […]
What a beautiful morning to start this Father’s Day weekend! Sun shining, mild temps, deer frolicking through the campus of Hibriten High School (the REAL HHS, Crop!), and some good men of F3 Lenoir ready to take the #DRP and get some work done! If you follow “The Friar” on […]
I knew I had a Q coming up and I was trying to think up something better than, “Do a 1000 Side Straddle Hops” (looking at you Swinger). So, I checked the old Google and was trying to figure out what was special about June 6th. Then I found out […]
YHC rolls outta bed thinking should I go to F3 or gym or Curves or stay in bed? Hmmmmm…let’s roll to Infinity. Pull into parking lot at 5:10 to a familiar CR-V…it’s BISMARK!!! He asks where everyone is and I respond PBR and Hanger will definitely be here soon. Let’s […]