4 pax showed up today, and I’m sure the prospect of YHC running made for some more fartsacking. YHC has been trying to get through a super 21 workout. It’s been done before once with Abraham and YHC. Today was yet another attempt. The thang: Warm up with 15 SSH […]
This morning was a beautiful morning to go for a short run around town. We ran, did Burpees, and many other things but we did not do any Yoga. The morning went a little like this: Warm-up 25 SSH IC 25 IST IC The Thang 5 Burpees OYO 20 Step-ups […]
After traveling last week and missing all F3 sanctioned workouts, YHC was especially excited about my ER Q on Monday.  Then I showed up….it was YHC, Flamer, and Retread.  I thought about just a nice easy workout at this point, slow jog, discussion about Sergio and the Masters, just something […]
We have a lot of newbies here in Lenoir, and so every time I Q here I try to introduce them to something new. So, I decided to shuffle the poker cards and deal out some major pain this morning in the gloom. Warm-A-Rama SSH ICx15 Humpies ICx15 LAC ICx15 […]
F3Hickory has enjoyed 3 years as being a part of the F3Nation.  Today we celebrated with our Anniversary Convergence – KONG!   First off – I may have left some folks off the list.  We had a revolving door at KONG as some came early for the run and then […]
YHC apparently had the Q yesterday at Expresso and didn’t know about it because I obviously did not read the newsletter.  So Suppository called me out for some redemption on today’s Q.  Just for kicks I think someone should Q all 6 workouts in a week, I nominate Cousin Eddie. […]
Blame Short Sale from F3 The Mount. He is the one who came up with the idea of asking YHC to incorporate a Q school into a 45 minute mid-week workout. Hmmm, thought the other Master Qs outside of Hickory, maybe we ought to do that too. So after leading […]
It was a nice breezy morning in Granite Falls, today. A perfect day for the 6 PAX who posted to run in the early morning gloom. Prayer requests were made  Devotion from Psalm 73:25-28   And we were off! Here is our route: Take off from flag and turn left […]
F3 Lenoir has expanded into he downtown district for our new A/O PrisonBreak! Though a few, including the Q, stayed up to late watching the Carolina game (barf!) we made a great showing for our launch win 8 HIMs. Here is what went down: Warm-Up SSH ICx10 ATT ICx10 Windmills […]
I had my intro to the Den this past Saturday, and we had a tiger of a workout.  We had a great group of men and it was a pleasure to work with them!! We start off with warmups, 15 each: SSH ALT Toe Touch Humpies American Hammers Imperial Storm […]