Weather-Perfect Location-PERFECTER!! So YHC has def. dropped the ball as far as backblasts go, especially for the Regions latest RAMesque AO that is Alcatraz. Apparently several PAX were unaware that this was a RAM workout… SUPRISE it is. This is the 5th ish installment of Alcatraz without a backblast so….my […]
It wasn’t brought to YHC’s attention that the Q for the Mount was his until the day before. So what do you do when you are Qing one of the parade of horribles?? You think of a few of the most horribleist things you’ve done at that AO and a […]
Weather- a brisk 32 with some super strong wind gust. WU- 15 SSH IC 10 slow Monkey Humpers- sloowwwww IC Duck Walk Counterclockwise (YHC kinda forgot which direction) Hillbillies clockwise Mosey to the back of Corinth for a cumulative rep series. First stop 50 reps- Star Jumps/ WW2 situps second […]
Weather- a warm 31. Great shorts and hoodie weather. 5 for the typical pre-run with great mumblechatter. 3 others showed up a little later for their own pre-run. I think that Fuse and SP are not fast enough to run with us and do not want to be embarrassed.   […]
Weather: Brisk. Thang: Warmups. SSH, ATT, Humpties. Mosey for a lap around the block and back up the steps to where we started. Everyone grab a partner and a block. Partner 1 runs lap while Partner 2 does AMRAP of different exercise until Partner 1 returns. Switch. Kettle Bell Swings […]
QIC realized on Friday that he had Q on Saturday (just happened to be a week earlier than he remembered) but then how many QIC plan their workout more than a day in advance? (kudos to the ones who do)So I laid out the pre-blast and only one assumed HC […]
The first bootcamp in the HKY of 2020 was a good one. And we didn’t run a bit. YHC has a boo-boo foot, so I promised there would be no running…but we did tour the entire body and every muscle group, challenging the balance and fortitude of the PAX. I’m […]
4 PAX decided to play in the rain at The Mount this morning.  Weather was better than it was about 3:30 when the thunderstorms rolled through the area, but it was still plenty wet (TWSS??) Warm up – x12, in cadence Alternating Toe Touch Imperial Storm Trooper Little Arm Circles […]
Warm up:  SSH, Humpies, Alternating Toe Touch-Beaker Style, Lil Baby Arm Circles   Thang:  Mosey to stop sign…bear crawl(it wasn’t that far) to the next stop sign…mosey to the rock pile. No you don’t need a rock pile yet….grab a partner….partner run to stop light come back while other partner […]
So after confirming with Publix the day before that he was definitely good to Q at Expresso, I was surprised at the 5-6 of us standing around at 0528 with no Publix… So at 0530 I jumped in the middle of the circle to put together a last-minute sub-Q. Deuce […]