Friday is the day. 8:00 pm is the time. Corinth is the place. So now you have the main facts but you may be wondering about the WHAT….. Friday night a few of us will be wandering around the streets of Hickory with a couple pounds strapped to our backs. […]
What: 2017 Mud Run – The Super Bowl of F3 When: Saturday, May 20th | 0700 Cost: $60 per person How: Click here – (after signing up here you will be sent to a page with the PayPal link for payment) IMPORTANT: You will sign up for the Mud […]
3 PAX rolled out of their comfy fart sacks this cool and damp gloom to post at The Station for a beatdown we would all regret. You see it all started with The Dude last Saturday at Copperhead Creek wanting to set a record for the most Merkins dealt out […]
Weather: Spittin’ rain. 50’ish. Route: Right on 16th Ave SN, down to Hutton Estate, right on Lake Road – which is actually 6th St, who’da thunk it? Right on road across from Glen Hilton Park, next left, up hill, down hill, up hill, Right on Road w/ Big Houses (as […]
Death, Famine, War, Conquest – they all showed up today for #SlingBlade. Old School set the course last night – it was to be his Virgin Q.  Then overnight he got sick and texted YHC and Friar sometime in the wee hours.  Friar was sick already, so it was up […]
When YHC moved back to Hickory 6 months ago, a lot had changed over the last decade but a lot remained the same. So when you move anywhere you always start with the basics…..what grocery store to use, where to go to church, and of course; where to grab a […]
So YHC had this idea of making everything 21 to match the day.  Terrible idea. Here’s how it went. Warm-up: SSH 21 IC, Humpies 21 IC, Windmills 21 IC, Hairy Rockettes (Alt Toe Touches) 21 IC, Chinooks to Lil Arm Circles 21 IC Now for the main attraction; A modified […]
YHC is a history nerd. So for each exercise, there was a meaning behind all the number of reps called. Warmup: ATT x15 IC Thang: Disclaimer. While waiting on the 6, fast guys must do Al Gore exercise. – 1 pull up* (1 is the number of real teeth that […]
VeggieTales was scheduled to Q today, but, he had to work so yhc subbed for him. The day got off to a rough start when yhc jumped into the silver toaster only to find the battery was dead. Now in a hurry, jump into the swagger wagon and start the […]
Sounds like a bad joke?  Well it was a worse story.  But that’s not for another hour, so lets get started: Why are there more Driver’s Ed cars in the parking lot than Pax????  A good question to ponder. 15 each, in cadence: Side straddle hops imperial storm troopers alternating […]