Twas a glorious morning with no rain and no freeze. But, Powder still showed with long johns. Some things never change. I believe this was the third Run N’ Gun which is a new thing we’re trying out at Howitzer. So far, I’d say it has been a success. The […]
28 degrees. Balmy. Who’s that pulling in? Beaker asks if  we should hide? Oh. Its @Publix. Makes 5. Get the muscles loose w/ ‘worlds greatest stretch’ and a mosey to the rock pile. Curls, thrusters, run…rinse and repeat. Lots o grunts from Lil Sweet. What the #$&@ is a torture […]
Weathermen, Politicians, and Magicians. Similarities; Often times misleading ✅ Somewhat entertaining ✅ Not always necessary ✅ Will lead you to believe a farce ✅ Operates in an exalted position and humored by many ✅ Never to be trusted ✅ YHC has grown wise in his 41 years. Rather than being […]
The Thing- Smurf Jacks, Windmills, and Little Arm Circles (All X15 IC).  Run-Take off out of the town square and take the “immediate” left. No that is not into the bathroom (Pump) and no that is not into the next parking lot (CrossStitch) but down 2nd St. We then went […]
ER is always a pleasure to Q. YHC was looking forward to this one and wanted to bring a little fun to the Monday morning gloom. After kicking around a couple ideas, here is what took place: Warmup The usual, SSH’s, Storm Troopers, Humpdiddles, etc. Mosey to the corner of […]
A:  We all possess the same basketball skills Weather:  Nice.  Real nice, Clark.  45’ish Stuff: Warmups.  Lots of chatter.  Lots.  SSH, ATT, and Clamshells*. 8 Rounds of EMOM (every minute on the minute): 10 merkins 8 squats 6 burpees Line up for something stolen from Deuce:  Lt. Dans.   2 Lunges, […]
Let’s start this BB with a couple of facts for ya: Fact – Up until this morning around 6:14, YHC literally knew nothing about the actual art of Rucking other than the fact that a lot of good dudes do it. All I really knew was that you threw on […]
It all started with a little joke by Shortsale calling himself an FNG at the COT before the run. Oh how that came to bite him in the buttocks later…  Most of us normal folk showed up for a wonderful Arrow this morning. It was a very nice feeling not […]
Weather:  45’ish.   Thang: Warmups.  At least one dude was spotted trying to stretch out his Piriformis during warmups.   Then take off for a 5K:  down past the Elk’s Lodge to 4th St, right at Oakwood School, up Hospital Hill, straight to LR/Stasavich Place, right around LR, back to downtown.   The […]
  Weather- 25- actually need to warm up in this weather WU- same ol Workout- Run up past the Hospital. Stop at 5th Ave, 6th Ave & 7th Ave. Multiply each by 2 and do that many burpees at each stop. (10, 12, 14) Going towards the Y- Lunge Walk […]