warmup uncle carls 10ic smurfjacks 10ic humpys 10ic alt toe touch 10 ic coupon shopping pax split: half would run to designated location, do 5 “groiners” and return while the other half did… wall sit w/flys Australian mt climbers wall sit w/over head press dirty hook ups wall […]
Several months ago while shopping at Barns&Noble with the family yhc came across a book called. Navy Seals Elite Training and thought to myself I wonder if there is anything in this book that we don’t do in F3. To my surprise most of the stuff in the book we […]
5 weirdos met at 4:30 to take off on a pre-ruck to get a few extra miles in.  We went the normal route, which will be changed monthly, and completed over 3 miles before coming back to see if anyone else was going to join us.  Since no one else […]
There’s a reason we stopped the Original ER format.  It was dang miserable.  Attendance was lower than most UNC home football games.  But it’s fun to re-live the glory days of Old ER from time to time. Hot Lips posted for the 2nd week in a row.  This time in […]
For the PAX that posted at ER on Monday (had to be there because there is no Backblast. Cuz?), YHC got stung by a bee (a hornet to be exact). After three days of leg swelling and receiving an untold amount of Voxxer *&#$#& talk, YHC had the Q at Expresso […]
Hickory Christian Academy can witness the impact of F3 HICKORY once again. Speed for Need has fully taken charge within F3 Nation. For the PAX that participated in the Hickory Christian Academy 5k last August (YouTube Video here), they saw the impact of the service our Region was able to […]
10 good folk left out from Corinth for a nice six miler this morning.  Ran down Lake Road to the Greenway, up the Greenway, past armory and music factory, left on Geitner, left at Creekside to 14th, 14th to 6th and home.  Classic Arrow route! YHC’s observations/thoughts: 1.)  Like the […]
Hard to imagine, but we’re already into the 3rd quarter of 2018.  It’s been a good one so far.  Lots of Pax have undertaken lots of CSAUP events.  Lots!  Interestingly enough, not lots of those Pax have submitted their CSAUP info to Cuz Ed for the Great CSAUP Challenge of […]
F3 SoCAL 7/30/2018 @2000 (8pm)   Temp: 77 degrees  When Men come together with the Goal of Getting Better, God shows Up!  Bottom line, Those that showed, got Better, Aye! Disclaimer/Warm-up: SSH Merkins Russian Twists Imperial Stormtroopers  Mosey to The Wall @DrugStore:  Prepare for 7-Minute Workout!! No more than a […]
I thought the workout would be pretty easy to follow, but yours truly realized some didn’t understand or listen to the instructions when Cousin Eddie looked like Usain Bolt. Warmups: SSH, ATT, + The Humpy Workout: 3 rounds of ER BLIMPS 5 Burpees at the warmup corner, run to top […]