…a few days before the storm at the Organ Grinder! I don’t know if you have every moseyed on the Hickory Trailhead Greenway on a cloudy damp morning @ 5:30 am, but its anything but green. Actually its dark – real dark & kinda creepy…and if you know how […]
9 PAX showed up on a warm, muggy Tuesday morning to get better. It went something like this. Warm-up (in cadence, 12 reps) SSH ATT Imperial Storm Troopers Forward Arm Circles Reverse Arm Circles Windmills and last but not least, it wouldn’t be a F3 workout if there weren’t any […]
The Mount is famous for two things: Patty Mayo searching for pre-runners prior to every workout Cinder Block Coupons So – After Patty found a couple of suckers to join him (YHC & Daewoo) – 9 PAX made themselves better and The Mount BBB Approved! With Blocks, Bears, and […]
Yep! An Organ Grinder Backblast! That’s What! Cousin Eddie is probably grabbing his chest like Fred Sanford coming for ‘Lizbeth. What is the OG anyway? Isn’t it where those weird dudes workout at that sketchy park? That’s only half right, as the park has been updated with great facilities & […]
So. Picture this. You’re laying there sleeping, dreaming of burpees and merlot splashes, and suddenly there’s an excruciating pain in your side. Is this appendicitis? Am I going to die? Nope. Turns out you’ve over slept, you’ve got 30 minutes to get you and your 2.0’s to the AO… […]
Conditions: 61F and low humidity. Nice! The Thang: Warmup IC SSH X 10 Hillbilly’s X 10 Slow Squats X 10 Mosey to the left side of Lowes Foods for Escalators Round 1 1 Burpee, 2 Star Jumps, 3 Merkins, 4 LBC’s, 5 Plank Jacks, run to the rear corner of the […]
I’m a simple man. I enjoy stupid stuff. I like the way horse poop smells. I like how a skunk smells from afar. I recently purchased a FM/AM radio from a thrift shop so I can listen to the radio b/c I enjoy the thrill of tuning in a radio […]
On the most humidest of humid mornings, 11 PAX posted to Howitzer for a sweat-fest. We did have an FNG so was obliged to give the disclaimer. The workout went something like this: Warm-up: SSH, ATT, Windmill, 10 Burpees OYO We then moseyed to the Post Office, behind the post […]
I’m running a little late on the backblast, but better late than never. Warmup: SSH, ATT, Imperial Storm Troopers The Thang: St. Luke’s courtyard for pullups and lunge walk 10, 8, 6, 4, 2 pull ups with 10 lunges each leg in bettwen Mosey to the bottom of the hill […]
OK Men, Here it is, the real deal, the event you all have been waiting for….the best time to represent our F3 Region to the community. This will be our 3rd year being involved in the Tyler Sims Endure, held in our own backyard at Sims BBQ in beautiful Dudley […]
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