So, first off, it was cold! How cold? Cold enough that YHC had to drive with my head out of the window for the first few minutes of my drive to the ER! As I was mumble-chattering to myself about how much this workout was already sucking, it hit me […]
6 pax started on a journey from the New Testament to the Old as we ran from the #Star to Abraham’s Driveway. 6 well lit and ready pax ran to Chigger ridge and down Davis Cove, roughly 2 miles down hill. Along the way, there were LBCs, merkins, and Star […]
Ok this is my first BB ever so be gentle with criticism while reading…… 6 PAX showed up for a VQ extravaganza at Whipping Stick this morning. It was fairly chilly in the 35 degree range after several days of springesque weather with snow looming in the forecast for springing […]
8 powerful men of the greater Mountain View community posted Thursday morning at # The Mount for what YHC has preblasted as a Morning Wood workout. They were either crazy enough or possibly intrigued enough to show up and find what a gift from # Star is all about. […]
We had 9 Pax this morning at Hurler for a good time at the Gloom!! Warmups included: SSH x 15 ATT x 15 Imperial Storm Troopers x 15 Humpies x 15 Windmills x 15 Arm Circles Reverse Arm Circles We mosied to the town square and did a burpee ladder, […]
When YHC heard that respect Thursday had been modified by the new site Q, @Publix to allow Qs from all age demographics, I knew immediately what the workout would be. YHC has been holding this one back for some time and felt that the timing was just about right. Here […]
So, YHC pulls into to his reserved parking place on the corner of Center St. & 3rd Av exactly 5 minutes before the ER is to begin and . . . nobody there. No. Bod. E. A minute later the good Doc, Herniator, pulls up and ask where is everybody. […]
This morning 16 pax showed up to celebrate birthdays. We had 3 men who were celebrating their birthday with the oldest turning 60. I knew that we were going to have a few Merkins to complete in order to celebrate these birthdays but I kept the actual number a secret. […]
Unbeknownst to probably most of the 14 Pax that rolled out of the fartsack on this windy morning, today was a monumental day. At the very least, it was for YHC, so I’ll chalk that up as a win! Today was YHC’s VQ. Thankfully but not thankfully (because we always miss Cuz when he’s […]
YHC has been thinking about running a lot here lately. And he knows that other PAX have too. In the next couple of months some of our PAX, as part of 3 teams, will cover at least 600 miles during the Palmetto and Smoky Mountain Relays. So YHC figured that […]
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