YHC apparently had the Q yesterday at Expresso and didn’t know about it because I obviously did not read the newsletter.  So Suppository called me out for some redemption on today’s Q.  Just for kicks I think someone should Q all 6 workouts in a week, I nominate Cousin Eddie. […]
Blame Short Sale from F3 The Mount. He is the one who came up with the idea of asking YHC to incorporate a Q school into a 45 minute mid-week workout. Hmmm, thought the other Master Qs outside of Hickory, maybe we ought to do that too. So after leading […]
It was a nice breezy morning in Granite Falls, today. A perfect day for the 6 PAX who posted to run in the early morning gloom. Prayer requests were made  Devotion from Psalm 73:25-28   And we were off! Here is our route: Take off from flag and turn left […]
F3 Lenoir has expanded into he downtown district for our new A/O PrisonBreak! Though a few, including the Q, stayed up to late watching the Carolina game (barf!) we made a great showing for our launch win 8 HIMs. Here is what went down: Warm-Up SSH ICx10 ATT ICx10 Windmills […]
I had my intro to the Den this past Saturday, and we had a tiger of a workout.  We had a great group of men and it was a pleasure to work with them!! We start off with warmups, 15 each: SSH ALT Toe Touch Humpies American Hammers Imperial Storm […]
Admittedly when YHC was reminded by @ToothFair about this Q my first thought was “There is too much going on Saturday to deal with this”.  After further thought however, I decided to put on my big boy pants and deliver what I hope was an acceptable beatdown.  Here is how […]
YHC received the text late Monday from Bing that he needed a substitute and I was excited to fill in. Knowing what the weather was supposed to be, I was pleasantly surprised to wake up to no rain; so I hopped into the car and began the trip down a […]
Footnote: Cousin Eddie rec’d this from Fuzzy Balls about 2 weeks ago and I’m just now posting it. So FB had this done quickly. Your sorry Comz guy is the one that dropped the ball w/ this. Sorry guys. Here goes: SSH x 20 Forward Arm Circles x 15 Reverse […]
50ish degrees and dark, perfect running conditions. Run up 127, Right on 29, somehow end up at Eleanor, run up once if you’re sain, twice if you’re not, somehow end up at 21st Ave, run up the big hill heading towards 127, Right on 127 and go home.  We ended […]
Taz and YHC are snake bit when it comes to scheduling and actually conducting a Q school. We’ve tried twice this year already and have trained a grand total of 0 PAX so far. So, about two days ago, on the fly, the powers that be at The Mount asked […]