Day 3 of the week for a Babyface Q. I had missed my 5 for 5 chance by oversleeping Infinity, so I was ready to go for The Den. Twin showed up in his eco-friendly truck and no one else for a while. Finally Grout and Hanger roll in, and […]
First off, thank goodness I am a millennial and cannot go longer than 10-15 minutes without looking at my phone. If that wasn’t the case, I would not have seen Cuz’s Pre-Blast and would not have been mentally prepared to Q this morning. He sure picked a good one to […]
This is another pre-blast for your pleasures. Back in the day, these were fairly common when you wanted to get pax hyped up for a workout. Maybe for a convergence, or some challenge. It would read something like this: all right you bunch of skallywags, meet me at the corner […]
It’s been hot. Like a desert. My inspiration has been found. PAX arrive. FNG’s are present. Disclaimer is given, lets do it. Warm Up:SSH x 15 (ic)ATT x 10 (ic)Mt Climbers x 15 (ic)Orphan Annie’s x 15 (ic- each arm)Squat x 10 (oyo)Mosey across the parking lot and back. **Grab […]
I rolled into the parking lot a few minutes before time. The regular crew was around and waiting to get going. A late arrival by Spokes in a big truck and Twin in a small car(completely backwards from normal) and I was yelled at to get on with it. SO, […]
Seems like that second ever Q has a lot more stress attached to it than the first. Pax have to be nice on the first one, or at least that’s what they said. Second one better bring some pain. Again, that’s what they said. So with all that mumble chatter […]
Let’s talk about humidity, shall we? Humidasa’ Rain storm on the lake over a charcoal grill Humidasa’ Hot shower in coveralls and wool socks Humidasa’ Green house in summer with a slip n slide Humidasa’ The stairwell at ER in July with a Number Two in it…. I started sweating […]
Pre: Twin placed himself on IR following all the hard work making sure that his deck was well constructed. YHC offered to help him seal the deck, but he politely declined my offer to place my caulk all over his deck. So, I offered to sub for him at the […]
On days that mumble chatter is high it always seems to make the workouts and mornings better. Well mumble chatter was very high Wednesday when we took off on our run [Ex: “So ____I hear you are going to try and run a marathon. Do you really think that is a […]
Many of you know that several of us signed up for the GrowTruck Training Event (GTE) in Charlotte in early August. This event is a premier F3 event that features all 3 F’s. Friday night is the welcome reception, Saturday includes a morning beatdown, 2-3 hr Q School, afternoon break, then […]
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