Welcome Mission (ALWAYS) Disclaimer Warm-up: SSH IC, Copperhead Squats IC, Imperial Walkers IC, LBAC IC, ATT’s IC, Humpies IC Mosey to block pile Thang#1: Ring of Thrusters – circle up. 1st man does a thruster, then 2nd man, and on around the circle. Once back to the start, 1st man […]
So, after being out for about 6weeks, I gotta admit I was not looking forward to this morning. Yet, I showed up, and I’m glad I did. As we gathered in the gloom, only 6 total showed up. No FNG today, all vets. Gotta say, F3 guys are getting SLACK in […]
So we did this thing where we warmup. Side straddle hops, merkins, imperial storm troopers( I refuse to call them walkers), alternating toe touch. That’s it. We jogged past the power pole where everyone knows there’s a wire and inevitably someone yelled out “wire”. It’s what’s you do there. We […]
Organ Grinder is a mix-tape of F3Foothills PAX – actually the best of the best. Arrow has the FastHoles and SlowJamz. OG has the RSH – ReallySlowHoles. And then there’s the Ruckers. Handsome, Cool, Studly – everything the rest of you really wannabe. But seriously. It was rumored that Pump […]
Began with a 2 1/2 mile jaunt/prerun with Bismarck. Did the usual greetings with a shout out to our world traveler Hanger who increased our vocabulary. After warm ups we did the following B burpees#5 run around the block(ratb) A arm raises merkins #10 ratb D dips #15 ratb […]
Started with the usual side straddle hops, alternating toe touches and arm circles. Next mosey to the bridge on the greenway for some squat action. Next to the library for some squats and merkins. Next to the the church parking lot to some observance of a deer and some squats, […]
6:15 so time to roll as Sombrero walks up. Beaker warms us up and the ‘worlds greatest stretch’ gets us going. Merkin fest starts. Merks. Prowler Merk? Wth? Mumble chatter trends towards manscaping…and the best equipment for manscaping…? Only with Beaker around. Finished up with 9 sets of 11 merks […]
So I was informed that I had Q for Prison Break. Feeling lazy, I went to my folder of saved workouts from the past. I usually make up whatever terrible exercises we are going to do at work and over the last few years, I’ve got quite a few workouts […]
What does the title of this BB have to do w/ today’s workout? Nothing. Literally nothing at all. But it made me smile. And isn’t that what we’re all here for? My favorite BigJ shirt says: I like to snatch kisses and vice versa. It’s fairly high brow if you […]
Man, what a wonderful morning with perfect temperature. I was shocked to see Powder without his winter clothing on. I mean, I think I saw my breath and he only had shorts and short-sleeve t-shirt on. I’m sure he’s dusting off his toboggan and jackets as we speak. The Thang: […]
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