QIC:  Clifford BRD

Wow what a great day for a good ol beatdown at Copperhead Creek. Temps in the mids 60’s and a nice breez in our face. 4 pax decided it would be a good idea to double down this morning. At 0600 the 4 did week 3 of the August GORUCK challange. So just a quick something on that if you dont ruck. This is how that went down. Partner up P1 ruck 400m while P2 did squats with ruck sack. Then flap jack. Then we had to hold plank, lunges, and flutter kicks. After all that then as a group had to ruck 1 mile with extra weight that plank so kindly brought to us. Passing the extra weight to a different pax every 1/4 mile. When we got back to the parking lot 2 more pax had posted. I guess they dont ruck.  So here how part 2 went.

Burpees x 10 oyo right out the gate

Mosey to picnic tables

Box Jumps x 10 oyo

Dips x 10 ic

Step ups right leg x 10 oyo

Dips x 10 ic

Step ups left leg x 10 oyo

Dips x 10 ic

Mosey to the Wall

Wall sit 30 seconds

Merkins x 5 oyo

Wall sit with overhead press x 10 ic

Merkins x 5 oyo

Wall sit with Ali’s x 10 ic

Merkins x 5 oyo

Wall sit with Frasier’s x 10 ic

Merkins x 5 oyo

Wall sit 30 seconds

At this point The Dude was not liking where I was going with the pain list cause I think he thought it was all going to be stationary. And The Dude doesn’t like stationary. But oh no the fun was just starting.

Mosey to the stop sign and get set up for a different style of Indian Run that I don’t think the T’ville pax had ever done. I call it the Polish Indian Run.

So the pax line up like you normally would for Indian Run but the guy in back has to run backwards to the front and we did it up hill so yeah that helped. Went through 2 sets of that.

Finish the mosey to the parking deck.

Bear crawl the ramp that goes to the top deck.

Partner up for a little Jacob’s ladder

Start off with 1 squat jump then run to the wall and do 7 cliff hanger merkins each then run back 2 squat jumps and you get the picture.

Help to the steps for some calf work.

Right leg x 15 ic

Left leg x 15 ic

Both legs and count speed change x 20 ic

Now down it the bottom parking deck drop 1 cycle of coon ball crawl. If you’ve never had the joy of doing this you dont know what you’re missing. Here’s how it goes.

Raccoon crawl the curb to the wall, balls to the wall wall walk, into a bear crawl, then finish it off with a lunge walk.

Head across the street to the ball field were there are some stupid concrete bleachers. Box jump the steps up and down 3 times.

Mosey back to the park and get Motivated.

Done ab work to the Motivated by NF.

And done…………….

Wait yhc took a bet with The Dude that the Lions would beat the Bills and of course the Lions lost. So the bet was what ever the score spilt was thats how many burpees you had to do. But luckily for me the Lions only lost by 4. Now it’s done.

Count off/name off


Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30


We have several things coming up in the next few months. Now I can’t remember the dates on all of these but here they are.

Hospice Alexander 5k

Turkey Trot 5k

Apple Festival 5k

Sims BBQ 5k and mud run

Veterans Day 12 ish miler, now this well be held on Veterans Day at Copperhead Creek. Start time will be 0630. Bring head lamps, flash lights, reflective vest, or what ever it is so you can be seen.

In other news we had a passing of the Master Q at T’ville this morning. Pedro Martini is now the Master Q. Best of luck to you sir and can’t wait to see what ideas you got floating around in that head of yours. Remember F3 is not ours to keep to ourselves, but to give away. Leave no man behind, but leave no man where you found him. BRD out



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