QIC:  Suppository, Beaker, Cousin Eddie

Ram.  She good.  Been posting at her since she was a wee little lass.  Back when me and Beaker said “yeah, I think we can run 3 miles.  In a row.  On the same day.”  Not sure who came up w/ the AO name, but it’s purt good.  Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a whimsical as Organ Grinder (seriously, it’s not.  Do you know the story behind OG’s name?  Ask me and I’ll fill ya in), but it’s good.  Quite possibly the most accurate AO name.  We run.  We move.  RM would be a dumb name, so cheers to the guy that added that A in there.

Backstory:  Unnamed Pax was on Q list.  Unnamed Pax has been busy helping make babies so he couldn’t post.  (Note:  that excuse has a short shelf life….you can only use that for another 3 days until it’s rendered invalid).  So at last night’s Run HKY BRR team meeting, YHC was told I had to help share w/ the Q.  Ok, let’s just see how this Hop Hiker goes down first, eh?  Wait, what?  We were at the brewery that makes Hop Hiker and they tell us that they are out of HH and that it takes months to get it back into the supply chain.  Note to self:  when I run a brewery, don’t run out of my best beer.  Anyway, I knew immediately that if I was able to get up and shake off the cobwebs what I would do for my part of the Q.  More on that later.

Roll into parking lot pretty early.  5:20’ish.  Beaker is there w/ Goodwill.  Beak tells me about his horrible plan for his Q today….huh?  Suppository told me that I have part of it.  Are you doing part?  Huh?  What?  Who’s on first?  Where’s SP?  Hey SP, what in the wide world of sports is going on here, boss?

SP:  Beaker has the warmups, I have the middle, C Ed has the back end (TWSS). Ok then, plan is set in motion.


Beaker brought it hard w/ Humpies, some crazy double pump ATTs, and SSH.  Love that dude’s casual nature.  He don’t get all wound up like I do w/ my Q’s.

Then SP takes over.  We gone.  1st stop isn’t for a while.  Made it to that parking lot w/ all the creeper vans.  Did some ab stuff.  Wasn’t paying a ton of attention because I was busy talking to Phlegm about my UVa stories and he was busy telling me about his.  This one time, he got caught not wearing khakis AND his weave belt and things got a little crazy, lemme tell you.   Whoa!  Note to self: pack extra button up polos on my next road trip to Charlottesville.  Continue mosey to Salt Block.  Keep it up until we get to that hill that winds down to the Pitts house.  You know that road, right?  Good ole Hickory Streets.  Lived here since WW2 and I still don’t know em.  Hill repeats w/ a partner.  P1 runs down and does em 10 merkins and runs back.  P2 is busy doing stuff.  I think it was something similar to planks, plank jacks, and burpees.  Then your boy took over and we headed towards College Park.  Note:  HBC said he used to break w/ and burn doughnuts with his CX60 motorcycle on the CP football field.  This is awesome.  I thought that Jo Jo Bright was the only dude that did that.  Jo Jo did it during Field Day back in ’85 and it was awesome.  He skipped school that day and he must have missed his boys b/c he tore that field up as everyone watched in sheer delight.  First time I ever saw someone get carted off by the cops.  Note to note:  Every field day, YHC walked off with at least 30 blue ribbons.  I was such a 6′ – 0″ tall, 110 lb. bad ass….ok that’s a diaper load of BS but I’m pretty sure you already know that.  Speaking of HBC, dude got caught checking his own abs out during some American Hammers right up from the Pitts house.  Dude didn’t have a shirt on and he was checking out his 6 pack.  It was glorious.

Anyway, where was I?  Yes, mosey to College Park field.  Well looky here, who’s waiting on us?  It’s our Lil Sand Babies.  Glory B.  Grab one and mosey to the middle of the field.  Partner 1 runs w/ LSB and Partner 2 does LBC’s.  Note:  unnamed Pax that grew up in the bright lights of Charlotte do not like to get their bobo’s wet and dewy.  COME ON. https://youtu.be/SP_9zH9Q44o  people.  Note:  Some unnamed pax didn’t want to get their shirts wet and refused to do the LBC’s.  COME ON:  https://youtu.be/SP_9zH9Q44o

Mosey back to flag* and circle up.

WOD by Humpy.  This was off the cuff and was awesome.  Great job sir.

*where flag was supposed to be

Fun times.  If you weren’t there, you were missed.  If you were rucking….well, I guess you were rucking.  Hope it was as much fun as we had.

  • LSB’s showed up at ER, Howi, Exp, and Ram this week.
    • they are miserable
    • they will be getting a summer break soon
    • my spine is currently 1/2″ shorter from carrying those bastards around all week
    • for the Lenoir boys, I need to bring them up there soon.  The first time you got them, they were some ill fitted sons of LSB’s that just didn’t work.  The 3.0 version is out of Beta and ready to kick some tail.
    • still reading?  Hello Friar

Ed out

(First place, Bitches)



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