QIC:  Suppository

YHC had a long RAM route planned out Thursday when Bing sent a message saying he had the Speed4Need chariots in Hickory and ready to test out before the HCA 5k. So an adjustment was in order and it went like this:

Warmup (while chariots were set up)

Humpy’s IC x15

ATT IC x15

Windmill IC x15

Then headed out to past Hampton Heights, across 127 then left to the back of the YMCA and finished going up the big hill on 8th for around 3.5 miles. Along the way we got in the following:

10 Seal Burpees

40 American Hammers

10 Burpees

40 WWII situps

40 Merkins

60 LBC’s


-HCA 5K Saturday morning, show up to support Speed4Need and Hickory F3.

-Sims Mud Run sign up ongoing, get in touch with Banjo to join in.

WOD: James 1:3. God allows suffering to make us stronger and give us a platform to glorify God and point others to Him.



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