It was a cool, brisk morning at the Den. Ten begrudging PAX showed up for another Audit beatdown. We were thinking about all our brothers running in the Tuna 200 race. Go get ’em men! Warmup: SSH x 20 IC High Knees x 20 IC Star Jumps x 20 OYO […]
YHC had the Q this morning, so I assumed it would be a low number. Much to my surprise, we had 12 PAX show up. Lucky for them, I only had 30 minutes today due to Q School. So I really wanted to make sure they got their money’s worth. […]
We started with 4 PAX and finished with 5… not a typo. Warm-up SSH x 15 IC Windmills x 15 IC Merkins x 10 IC Arm Circles x 15 IC The Thang Mosey to Stadium stopping at the stands Since so many PAX decided to vacation or get muddy, we […]
11 Pax showed up for my VQ at The Den.  I enjoyed being the Q and hope to do it again. Warm Up: SSH x 15 IC Humpies x 15 IC Imperial Storm Troopers x 15 IC Little Arm Circles x 15 IC Reverse Little Arm Circles x 15 IC […]
The PAX showed up this morning to make ME better. Everyone struggles with some of the regular exercises and today we are going to fix that! Warmup (x15, IC) Side Straddle Hops Imperial Storm Troopers ABAGODAS Humpies Arm Circles (forward & reverse) In between each exercise today one PAX was […]
Warm-up: SSH x 15 IC Windmills x 15 IC ATT x 15 IC LAC x 15 IC Reverse x 15 IC IST x 15 IC Lazy Doras – With a partner, perform 100 merkins, 200 LBCs, 300 Squats as a team. First PAX starts with 10 merkins while the other PAX […]
YHC has been sick all week. I’ve missed every work out this week. However, when you are the Q you have an obligation……So with that, I lead the PAX in an effort to get better! Warm-Up SSH Mountain Climbe Abe Vigodas ATT High Knees Mosey to middle parking lot Dirty […]
Warm up Side Straddle Hops Michael Phelps- His arm swinging warm-up before swimming Slow windmills Finkle Swings-Swing one leg at a time to stretch hip flexors Laying Cross Leg Pulls Partner Blocks PAX partner up and each group has 1 block. Group will answer questions at each station…  a missed […]
I love working out with my brothers at The Den.  Everybody always has a story to tell, a joke that’s aching to get out, and waiting for that perfect TWSS punch line.  Nothing unusual this morning.  Just the same ‘ol laughing and giggling like a bunch of girl scouts standing […]
YHC did not come into this morning’s workout all that prepared. It’s been a long week taking care of the 2.0’s, a Slingblade Q, and then last night a grueling humidity filled 5k full of hills that around a dozen of us or so ran. But no sense in complaining, […]