We did a warm up, we ran, and we did stuff!!!!!
I remember it like it was yesterday.Ā  This goateed dude w/ a salt and peppered buzz cut rolls down to ER one morning.Ā  He weighed 90 lbs soaking wet and couldn’t do more than 2 merkins without taking a 5 minute break between them.Ā  Yes I’m talking about the self […]
I am posting on behalf of Woody. Might I just say……this was a heck of a VQ. Most of us were whining by the end of this thing. The stadium work out was brutal. Woody killed us and made us better. #dudekilledit! WARMUP SSH X 20 LAC X 20 FWD+REV […]
I guess it was similar to a RAM?……Here’s the thang… 50 SSH IC 15 Finkle Swings IC each leg 15 Humpees IC 15 Mountain Climbers IC Long Mosey up to Middle School and to Hwy 64/90 exit Along the way there each time we stopped 5 burpees (25 total) then […]
The PAX who showed up were in for a treat today! The world record for consecutive jumping jacks(Side Straddle Hops as we know them) was originally set at over 27,000. We were gonna make a run for that today a group…   Warmup ā€“ 20 each, IC Side Straddle Hops […]
  I gotta tell ya, the bar was set this week for F3 Lenoir. Audit and Double Bogey absolutely killed us. Itā€™s been along time since Iā€™ve left a F3 workout sore. Iā€™ve been sore several days this week. I knew that I had to bring it if I was […]
I rolled up to the State Champion Hibriten High School campus around 6:15 for a pre-run. I noticed that a few of my F3 brothers had already made it there. Babyface, Spokes,…, wait… No SNIPS?!?!? I thought Snips was always down for a pre-run. After 3.2 miles without Snips we […]
Conditions: Unusually Warm The Prelude to The Thang: Double Bogey – 5 miles Friar – 3 miles Snips – 0; he’s still talking about last week’s prerun, that he ran by himself, 3 miles…maybe… It was YHC’s pleasure for the last 3 days to threaten to have the worst workout […]
Snips: “Hey guys, Ill be at the Pre-Run in the morning” DB: “Alright man, Ill be there. #HC” …..morning of Snips: “Dude, where’sĀ  my DB” DB: “Nobody likes Snips, I’m sleeping in” And that was how the morning began at the Den. We then had to listen to Snips remind […]
All I can say is Brrrrrrr. Below freezing at a workout for the first time this year so we had to keep the body moving.. It was a random day and fun AND we had 13 PAX including a FNG! Here we go… Warmup SSH, Finkle Swings, High knees, Butt […]