I arrived. Usual formalities. Bismarck has already run 30 miles. We begin, with an actual warmup. Babyface is happy Warm-o-rama: SSH x 50 Humpees x 20 Arm circles, reverses, chinooks (all requested by Deuce) x I don’t know, a bunch? Hairy Rockettes x 20 The Thang: Mosey to Stadium, up […]
QIC realized on Friday that he had Q on Saturday (just happened to be a week earlier than he remembered) but then how many QIC plan their workout more than a day in advance? (kudos to the ones who do)So I laid out the pre-blast and only one assumed HC […]
On June 1, 2017, yours truly Q’d for the first time on a gloomy morning in Lenoir. Hundreds of workouts, 1000s of Merkins and LBCs, a couple of injuries and 2+ years later, I was tasked with leading the last workout as the Master Q of the Den. It’s really amazing […]
11 Pax, including 1 FNG, had a little fun at The Den this fine Saturday morning. Warmup SSH x20. Windmill x10. Imperial Walker x10. Merkin x10. Mountain Climber x10. Plank Jack x10. SSH x10. SSH x10. The Thang Mosey to the road leading to the middle school. Lt. Dan to […]
Got up at the same time as usual, but drove past South Caldwell High School to pay a visit to F3 Lenoir in  land of the Panthers, Hibriten High School, at Babyface’s request.  A couple pax were milling around eyeing me suspiciously when I pulled up, “Are you our guest […]
What a beautiful morning to start this Father’s Day weekend! Sun shining, mild temps, deer frolicking through the campus of Hibriten High School (the REAL HHS, Crop!), and some good men of F3 Lenoir ready to take the #DRP and get some work done! If you follow “The Friar” on […]
In honor of this week’s release of Marvel’s Avengers: Endgame we did an Avengers themed workout at the Den. It went something like this: Warmup: SSH x 20 IC IST x 20 IC Humpees x 15 IC ATT x 15 IC Windmills x 15 IC Mosey up the hill to […]
So yesterday DB confessed he may have given us some #fakenews on the anniversary date of Infinity. We all got a good laugh and joked about anniversaries. This got YHC thinking about anniversaries and how to incorporate that into the workout for The Den. Low and behold, today is Jerry […]
The PAX all showed up Saturday morning at the Den hoping the rain would hold off and not sure what to expect. We haven’t heard from Woodie in a while(self proclaimed fart sacker of cold weather), so we didn’t know if he would show. Once the time came, the show had […]
I have nothing witty to say today…… Warm Up Jackee Ladder – This is a Burpee with a SSH at the top instead of a jump. Start with 10 and work out way down to 1. Did an extra 10 for a victory lap Reverse bear crawl up the hill […]