42 degrees F, Wind light at 6 mph from the NE, aggregating light/cold/stingy rain 5.10 Miles were completed at an 8:52 pace. Good conversation along the route. YHC bluffed the weather and wore short sleeves however Babyface busted out the stocking hat. From the AO we traveled west on Harper […]
Weather: 59 degrees F, light wind from the SW at 3 mph, light rain SSH’s 20 IC Humpies 15 IC Imperial Storm Troopers 10 IC Joe Fraziers & Muhammad Ali’s in Peoples Chair stance 10 IC Merkins 10 IC Mosey up Harper/Boundary and enter Presbyterian Church Parking Lot Starting at […]
Following the preblast, the Pax all seemed super excited to get up to do some Merkins. So, as substi-q, YHC felt compelled to oblige. Warmup SSH x 30 Windmills x 20 Hairy Rockettes x 20 Arm Cirlces x 10, reverse x10 Overhead Claps x 10 Hugs (just really love yourself) […]
I arrived. Usual formalities. Bismarck has already run 30 miles. We begin, with an actual warmup. Babyface is happy Warm-o-rama: SSH x 50 Humpees x 20 Arm circles, reverses, chinooks (all requested by Deuce) x I don’t know, a bunch? Hairy Rockettes x 20 The Thang: Mosey to Stadium, up […]
QIC realized on Friday that he had Q on Saturday (just happened to be a week earlier than he remembered) but then how many QIC plan their workout more than a day in advance? (kudos to the ones who do)So I laid out the pre-blast and only one assumed HC […]
On June 1, 2017, yours truly Q’d for the first time on a gloomy morning in Lenoir. Hundreds of workouts, 1000s of Merkins and LBCs, a couple of injuries and 2+ years later, I was tasked with leading the last workout as the Master Q of the Den. It’s really amazing […]
The Pax were graced with a rare weekday sighting of Babyface, but sadly were left without Swinger. Warmup: SSH x22 (“Gosh, we’re going on for a while. Wonder when the Q is going to st….oh yeah, I’m the Q!”) Humpees x20 Hairy Rockettes x20 The Thang: Grab blocks, mosey to […]
Master Q had a quick schedule change for Halloween Q at PrisonBreak from Hanger’s conflicting schedule.  So he dug deep and thought what could be the most terrifying PrisonBreak ever… and thus the surprise guest Q was born! Master Q was first on the scene, I didn’t want the guest […]
YHC pulled up to Prison Break with a few minutes to spare this AM to find Bizmark and Swinger laying on the ground, in the dark, stretching out. I hopped out and began my laps around the parking lot to try to wake up my knees (getting old is the […]
YHC had read the mumblechatter on Slack yesterday about sick Q’s, who’s going to be Q, and nothing about who was posting. In fact, YHC wasn’t sure if I would post. YHC does, in fact, get out of the ol’ fartsack and made the long .5 mile trek to Infinity. […]