YHC had a old Philly baseball shirt on and got some rumblings of the Philly Special as I walked up to the group, so that’s what we named this workout. Warmups: SSH, Hillbillies, Humpties, LBAC, etc. Mosey to the Quad for some 5×5.5 workouts, 5 rounds, 5-25 reps increasing with […]
Many didn’t know this before today, but Sir Isaac Newton, among many other things, was a fitness guru. This is clearly evidenced by his Laws of Motion. The 1st of which states that a body in motion stays in motion and a body at rest stays at rest (paraphrased). This […]
I arrived. Usual formalities. Bismarck has already run 30 miles. We begin, with an actual warmup. Babyface is happy Warm-o-rama: SSH x 50 Humpees x 20 Arm circles, reverses, chinooks (all requested by Deuce) x I don’t know, a bunch? Hairy Rockettes x 20 The Thang: Mosey to Stadium, up […]
Weather: Brisk. Thang: Warmups. SSH, ATT, Humpties. Mosey for a lap around the block and back up the steps to where we started. Everyone grab a partner and a block. Partner 1 runs lap while Partner 2 does AMRAP of different exercise until Partner 1 returns. Switch. Kettle Bell Swings […]
The first bootcamp in the HKY of 2020 was a good one. And we didn’t run a bit. YHC has a boo-boo foot, so I promised there would be no running…but we did tour the entire body and every muscle group, challenging the balance and fortitude of the PAX. I’m […]
On June 1, 2017, yours truly Q’d for the first time on a gloomy morning in Lenoir. Hundreds of workouts, 1000s of Merkins and LBCs, a couple of injuries and 2+ years later, I was tasked with leading the last workout as the Master Q of the Den. It’s really amazing […]
6 pax assembled on a foggy chilly morning at Whipping Stick AO. YHC had the pleasure of a guest Q, courtesy of Cousin Eddie. Circle up for disclaimer and warm-o-rama consisting of: SSH 20x IC, 10x IC slow ass merkins, 10x IC Mountain Climbers, 5x Good Mornings OYO, 10x WMH […]
The Pax were graced with a rare weekday sighting of Babyface, but sadly were left without Swinger. Warmup: SSH x22 (“Gosh, we’re going on for a while. Wonder when the Q is going to st….oh yeah, I’m the Q!”) Humpees x20 Hairy Rockettes x20 The Thang: Grab blocks, mosey to […]
Warm up:  SSH, Humpies, Alternating Toe Touch-Beaker Style, Lil Baby Arm Circles   Thang:  Mosey to stop sign…bear crawl(it wasn’t that far) to the next stop sign…mosey to the rock pile. No you don’t need a rock pile yet….grab a partner….partner run to stop light come back while other partner […]
Master Q had a quick schedule change for Halloween Q at PrisonBreak from Hanger’s conflicting schedule.  So he dug deep and thought what could be the most terrifying PrisonBreak ever… and thus the surprise guest Q was born! Master Q was first on the scene, I didn’t want the guest […]