This morning was a little cooler than others have been recently. All PAX were excited and ready to go. We warmed up with some SSH, ATT, Windmills, High Knees, amd Butt Kickers. Then we moseyed to the soccer complex and did 10 merkins, 10 LBC’s, and 10 squats. After that […]
I sent a note on Slack as I looked out at the Q Schedule for the next weeks and saw a few conflicts with my schedule preventing me from Q’ing.  The note came back with the PAX eager to make a switcheroo which one switch was for me to Q […]
Sitting there Tuesday evening was thinking about what route to travel for Stargate.  The first thought was in town and had all different directions including going thru buildings.  Sent it out and had basically “he’s crazy” from Spokes and Babyface but did get a “we could fly around it” from […]
“This is going to hurt me more than its going to hurt you.” Did you ever hear that before you parents disciplined you? It didn’t used to make any sense to me until I had kids. Anyway, that is what I told the guys before we started today. This workout […]
Yes, it’s Stargate and a running AO in the Running town of Lenoir.  3 PAX posted and we ran through the city together.  We ran down through the Kentwood neighborhood then headed along Pennton Ave parallel to Highway 18/64 for several miles until we made the dreadful turn on to […]
Pre: The day prior, Spokes sent a reminder that the next stop at the parade of horribles was due for its next stop at little ol’ Lenoir’s own Prison break workout and asked who this “Hold” pax was. Hanger let everyone know that it was just the latest spelling of […]
Pre Bismark slacked a confirmation of Twin’s absence from his scheduled Q of infinity Thursday evening. Though a lively game of rochambeau broke out to find a replacement, the pax knew that it would end up in a groupie Q. At 5:15, Hanger flew in on two wheels, as usual, […]
I woke up this morning and almost rolled back over in bed. Something told me I needed to be up though(besides my M) and I got up and got going. Made the drive up to Lenoir and of course the old regulars were there. We pile out of the cars […]
Beautiful Thursday morning at PB….cool temps and nice breeze.  The crew rolled in for the challenge of the day. Started of with the normal not responsible, hospital and something about not being a professor or professional….. We decided to start as a mosey and at about every so often stopped […]
Audit had Q but was unable to Post HOWEVER he created a route…we ran in the humid gloom with some long hill pulls from corner of Pennton Ave./Main St. and from Fairfield Chair to the AO on College Ave.  It was a sweaty good time of run/fellowship     On […]