Well, to say it has been a long week so far would be an understatement. We got a new puppy last Sunday so no one is getting a full night’s sleep, my mother in law has been at our house all week and took a fall in our shower earlier […]
We ran about 3.5 miles with 4 stops: Stop #1 – 5 merkins, 5 sit ups, 5 squats, 5 plank jacks – 50 yard run between each set Stop #2 – 10 merkins, 10 sit ups, 10 squats, 10 plank jacks – 50 yard run between each set Stop #3 […]
YHC was graced with the opportunity to quest Q at Hurler this morning. When Twig asked me a while back if I would want to make an appearance, I gladly accepted. Needless, to say, this morning was a great time. 10 PAX showed up, got better, and got prepped for […]
Thang: Couple of warmups. SSH x15 Windmills x15 ATT x15 Very slow mosey to the infamous Star Pile. These guys have looted all kinds of good stuff: one massive tire, telephone poles, blocks, Tooth Fairy sized bricks, and some hybrid that’s not quite a block and not quite a brick. […]
It had been way too long. Posting closer to home at the Star, a new baby, lots of travel, and surgery for a torn meniscus were all reasons (or excuses) for not posting at Expresso for what seems like forever. Well today we broke that trend. YHC was filling in […]
I’m not going to lie….I was still a little bitter that only 3 PAX showed up for my last Q. I thought I put together a decent workout. I was excited to share it with my brothers…..and they #fartsacked. So I decided to do the same routine, but after listening […]
I’m amazed how within a second the weather can change. According to my weather app there were was a slim chance of rain with an overcast sky. When I arrived at Stargate, there was lightning in the sky and thunder following closely behind. Should I have called it, yeah. Did […]
It was a reunion of the usual Star crew this AM as YHC was back in action at his home AO. 5 studs posted under Bethlehem’s Star and got to work. Full Disclosure: This content was either recycled from YHC’s Saturday Q at the Whipping Stick or shamelessly stolen from […]
Since Arrow visited with our newest Wednesday AO last week, OG at Jaycee Park, YHC felt it was appropriate to check in on a few more this week. Here is how it went: Leave our Wednesday AO at Corinth and take a left to quickly check in on our Thursday […]
Do you know that light on 127 by Checkers? No, you don’t, because you never had to stop at it. Seriously, you NEVER hit that light. YHC hit it this morning, along with every other light on 127. This had YHC sweating some as a Q should never be late. […]
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