Rain + Whippin’ Stick = Grassy muddy Soup The Drainage Engineers that built Northview Middle School should be flogged. When it rains, the athletic fields become soupy and gross. YHC is keenly aware of this and therefore wore proper attire to Whippin Stick. What proper attire is that, tough guy? […]
9 PAX show up on a Thursday Hurler morning with Banjo. We warmed up with some high knees, alternating toe touches, humpys and side-straddle hops. Next we moseyed to the block pile for a coupon. As a pack we mosey around town Cusack style with a lot of mumble chatter. […]
YHC had the Q at Whipping Stick this past Saturday (yes I know the BB is late, but better late than never – like Cousin Eddie showing up for my Q). Little did the guys know that they were going to train for a Spartan race. The workout was a […]
Random thought back last below: – Told Powder to go slow on the prerun so 7:30 pace… ❌ – Not sure how Cousin Eddie is still allowed to sleep and work inside with his stankness. – Day after Wedding Anniversary Q while off work all week is a rough morning […]
Starting this Friday at 5:15am, Hickory will have a new AO. We will post at the same spot as RAM but will start 15 minutes earlier. The objective of this AO is to have fun and get better. We have been rucking for a few months but it is time […]
Warmups – 15 SSH IC, 10 ATT IC Mosey to the bottom of the parking deck ramps. Sprint up the ramps, jog the flats, the last flat lunge walk to the elevators, rinse and repeat with broad jumps and reverse lunges. Mosey to the taller stairwell. Run down to the […]
I am writing this backblast because that is what PAX are supposed to do after a workout but… I am also writing this backblast because the PAX (who shall remain nameless) who has been telling everyone to write BB is also the man telling me how bad his state team will […]
Let me remind you once again that F3 Hickory was born out of CSAUP. About 5 years ago a few #RedWoodOriginals were fortunate enough to be members of the F3 Columbia 9 team for the Palmetto Relay. And off we went to run, suffer, and ultimately celebrate running 200 miles together, as […]
Several months ago we started Rucking on Friday at RAM and we have consistently had a few pax post to get better. Udder Butter would cross the creek and Ruck with us and then he decided to start a ruck workout in Granite Falls. Last week Granite Falls had 11 […]
I got the call to Q late Wed. Knowing the weather report I was prepared to post, do 2 burpees solo, then head home to start the coffee early. But I was pleasantly surprised to be joined by 7 other dedicated men. Right off we moseyed to the covered courtyard […]
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