Warm up:  SSH, Humpies, Alternating Toe Touch-Beaker Style, Lil Baby Arm Circles   Thang:  Mosey to stop sign…bear crawl(it wasn’t that far) to the next stop sign…mosey to the rock pile. No you don’t need a rock pile yet….grab a partner….partner run to stop light come back while other partner […]
Weather:  60.  Humid, with a touch of Swamp.  No surprises here. Thang: Warmups.  Standard:  SSH, ATT, Humpties.  Jane Fondas added to see that Abe would start grumbling about doing these.  He did not disappoint. Mosey around track, with a stop at the visitor’s bleacher.  Bunny Hops to the top.  Continue […]
YHC arrived early at the Tower to set up this morning’s workout with borrowed sidewalk chalk from his 2.0’s. Parked truck full of logs at one end of a parking lot, and then marked off 11 parking lot spaces with exercises at the other end before taking a short mosey […]
10 men showed up in the Gloom for a PowPow (Cuz’s nickname for my already short nickname) substitute Q. This how it went from what I can remember since I did not have a winkie. The Thang: Warmup- SSH, Humpies, ATT, IST (All IC X15) Mosey around St. Lukes to […]
4 pax came for a Pre-run. 3 more came for more than they bargained for… The Thang: we warmed up with the usual standard issued Hot Lips warm up. Mosey to New hardware store for partner Dora Blimps. Partner 1 runs the hardware loop, while partner two does exercise. Then […]
Pulled in the parking lot about 0605. Beaker was getting the flag in the ground and drop some info telling me that was the first flag for F3 Hickory. Which is awesome! Rest of the PAX rolled in. We started warm ups with 20 count of side straddle hops. Move […]
Pull into the parking lot at 5:27, see the shovel flag standing tall, but no pax in sight.  Soak in a couple more minutes of warmth, while pax start rolling in. Exit the truck at 5:29 and head to the flag as the pre-runners file in. Disclaimer and launch. The […]
Rain and cold—”I’ll keep it under the sails,” I thought.  Okay, who left all this crap under here?  Chairs and tables . . . and a slew of giant planters?  Okay, we’ll make do.  I take a short scouting jog and on my return see that everyone has arrived and […]
First and foremost, the Race Committee doesn’t want you to run this race.  Go home.  There is no picking up the six.  There are simply just too many hills.  Nasty ones too.  There will be Mountain Goat legs.  We start at a place called Tater Hole.  And end on a […]
Flamer has been on IR since I think the SMR, so I volunteered to take his RAM Q this week. I sent out the route Thursday night (4 miles) but Ferdinand, Patti, and Pumpernickel still showed up to do a 3 mile prerun. Here is how things went down: Warmup: […]