This is arrow… it’s impossible to write a backblast for arrow. The route was 6.2ish miles, we ran north on 127, left down 39th(it’s a good hill) right on 29th, back out to 127, take a right and go back to the start. I suggested to make the route shorter […]
I have not been at ER for awhile. One reason is that I have been posting to the new evening AO on Monday nights (Evening Wood) but also I have been struggling to wake up after the weekend for the concrete monster. So when Phlegm texted (which is awesome for […]
YHC thought the PAX might be nostalgic for some log dragging, so I went to Home Depot yesterday and bought a few tie-downs (hoping they’d work better than the rope from the old set), drilled holes into 11 Holly logs, set eye anchors in each, and hooked a generous loop […]
Pull into the Tower with Red Eye and Buttermilk. YHC decided to give them a tour of the Tower, so we visited most of the parking lots. (We did neglect Food Lion’s; sorry Reading Rainbow.) Warm Up (all in cadence): 25 Side Straddle Hops 10 Little Arm Circles 10 Reverse […]
Covid 19 thought it could stop the men of Hickory from celebrating the 6th Anniversary but it was wrong. No we were not able to all get together from across the region in one central place, but that is definitely coming when all of this is over. The virtual Zoom […]
The pre-blast told you to go home.  Some brave souls didn’t listen and Race Committee is dang glad that you didn’t.  As far as I can tell, you had a good time, we raised some ducketts, and no one died.  That, my friends, makes for a successful relay. I’ve read […]
My wife and I had some friends over for sunday lunch, one of which is Fescue from the Mount(Has anyone taken his info?)… anyway, he was asking me about how everyone seemed to be connected and knew when to q, etc.  I was showing him Slack, and the Q schedule.  […]
Well we had our team meeting for Mortimer last night and we were throwing around some good team names:  Fuse had Puddin Britches and Chili Trousers; Kapowski had The Flaming BJ’s (but we thought we might get shot going through Mortimer with that name); then someone said we should just […]
Fellas, Remember this:  There was and is only one man that lived a perfect life.  It’s not you, and it dang sure isn’t me.  Jesus Christ was the one. Taken from Q Source, a book that Dredd has written as a resource to all things F3 and improving yourself: Every […]
Weather:  5:29 it was coming down hard. Big fat rain (say it like Forrest Gump) 5:30 it wasn’t Thang:  Standard Issue + Jane Fondas.  Clearly one of my favorites. Mosey for WW2’s & Pull Ups at the kiddie park.  Just to get a lil bit wet. Mosey to a parking […]