This morning we had 5 Pax for Sling Blade.  We began with the COT.  We had announcements and devotion.  Our devotion was about helping others. We had a long course and a short course option.  The long course was 5.07 miles and our short course was 3.24 miles.  The long […]
YHC was not scheduled to Q at #Star this morning, but due to work conflicts Part Time switched.  That being said, I wanted to revisit an old but good one, that for some reason no one wants to think about.  Binary was so kind to acquire for us several telephone […]
When our newest A.O., Howitzer, was first announced YHC knew what he would do if ever asked to Q. There’s a hill across from City Hall that is perfect for Super 21s. So, when Howitzer Master Q Bing put YHC on the schedule the planning was already done. Conditions: 50 […]
We had 11 highly motivated men show up for a workout at ER today, for my virgin Q.  We had a great time working out together!!! We began with warmup exercises: Sid Straddle Hops Alt Toe Touches Humpies Arm Circles Reverse Arm Circles Windmills We then mosied toward the parking […]
5 faithful emerged following a long evening of College Football in the 21 degree gloom to face off against ascending and descending BOMBS with a bit of a twist.  YHC thought it would be a good idea to make the PAX perform 66 burpees (total score) alongside the workout to […]
6 PAX including one FNG showed up this AM for a solid beat down in the gloom at the Whipping Stick.  Mrs. T-Bone did provide some video suggestions which proved rather comical.  Let’s just say we didn’t look quite like the videos and it’s a good thing there were no […]
Conditions: Warm Thang: Little Arm Circles x10 OYO Little Arm Circles x10 OYO, other direction Mosey to LR baseball field. Jump brick fence for slight B&E. 20 burpees at 1st base 15 burpees at 2nd base 10 burpees at 3rd base 5 burpees at home Mosey to apartments for quick […]
3 pax at The Station for a 5 mile run on mostly snow and ice covered sidewalks. Good route. Will run again next Wednesday at 0530. No time for warm ups. Can’t remember much mumble chatter as yhc spent most of the morning looking a HBC’s and VeggieTales backs. But […]
16 men showed up for one of the last RESPECT Thursday CBDs. We had a great time working out, laughing, and dodging cars. The morning went something like this: Warm-ups Side Straddle Hop 20 IC Imperial Storm Trooper 20 IC Humpy 20 IC Squats 20 IC The Thang WWII Situps […]
History is written by the victors. – Winston Churchill wonder what he means by that? Does he mean that tales of swashbuckling heroes that defeat evil hordes by the dozens could possibly be a stretching of the truth? Hmmm, with that in mind, here goes: Ed and Flamer took Gold […]