Warmup SSH x15, Toy Soldier x15, Goofballs x10, IST x15, (Audit enters the workout), Catcher Squat x10, Moraccan Night Club x15, Pickle Pounder x15 Mosey to pull up bar Partner up 4 sets Partner 1 AMRAP pull ups or panseys Other partner do 10 merkins 4 sets Partner 1 AMRAP […]
The back story:  Arrow happily dominates Hickory’s Wednesday AO spot.  We always have, always will.  Everywhere the light touches is our kingdom.  There are evil-doers lurking in our midst.  Those that want to steal the Wed. thunder from Arrow. Lo, there is a spot, at the bottom of a hill, […]
Warmup ssh 15ic Alt. Toe Touch 15ic Humpees 15ic Windmills 15ic Since our brother Fuse came by to check the great town of Granite out, we had to take a tour. During the complete tour the Pax did 10 to 1 burpees, while stopping at a couple sights for other […]
Warm-Up SSH ICx15 ATT ICx15 ABAGODAS ICx15 Little Arm Circle ICx15 Rev LAC ICx15 Monkey Humpers ICx15 Smurf Jacks x15 Pickle Pounders x15   Workout partner exercise – Partner Up and 1 partner planks while the other is doing Merkins on their back x15 Run the hill in front of […]
COT – at Stargate we begin with the COT.  Cropduster read from Mark 8 – a passage that’s been on his mind for awhile.  In this passage Jesus asked his disciples this question:  “Who do YOU say that I am?”.  Peter answered “The Messiah”.  My encouragement to the PAX would […]
It’s been a while since YHC has had a Q, so naturally I was excited to see my name back in the saddle to lead the PAX of Hickory, NC in a early morning beatdown. Before we get into today’s workout, however, I feel it’s necessary to give an overview […]
Wow!  It rained like crazy in parts of the F3Hickory region Monday late afternoon.  I was not sure I was going to make it home from work in one piece – but I did.  Then about 7pm I headed back out to the Granite Falls #SoCal AO for our 8pm […]
YHC would like to express his joy when he rolled into the parking lot at Whipping Stick this morning to see 5 pax rip roaring and ready to go!! Love to see the numbers and hope that we continue to keep Whipping Stick alive! Warm up: SSH-15 IC ATT- 15 […]
The Thang: Warm Up- SSH, ATT, Humpys (All IC X15) We took off running towards Main Ave then stopped for Squats IC X20 and Hand Release Merkins X10 OYO. Take off again towards downtown. Stop at the City Hall for People’s Chair with Overhead Press IC X20 & Muhammad Ali […]
Temp: 72 degrees; Humidity: 148% On 7/17/77 I was born. (Yes, 7 is my favorite number!) I didn’t choose it, it chose me. But inevitably, I will be 40. Turning 40 used to seem OLD! I mean, according to “The Good Book” it’s technically the “halfway” point! (See Ps.90:10). So […]