YHC goes to bed early most nights and received notice that he was scheduled to Q at Expresso at 0’dark-thirty this morning. It’s all good though. He had to think about the workout a little bit but already knew what he would say in COT, as it has weighed on […]
There was a call for a substi-Q and I accepted the challenge and attempted to think of a way to be creative.  I’m not wired like that my mind kept going back to Time.  We measure it on a watch, calendar, season, etc but in the end a day is […]
I used to work with a PAX from Charlotte. He told me one time of the Grand Canyon Rim to Rim race. It sounded brutal. Check it out here. Basically start at the top of one side of the canyon and 24 miles later come out at the top of […]
This should not be news, but I feel the need to say this again:  I am not a Rucker.  If there was a line of dudes that needed to be arranged in order from Most Rucking Heckler to Least Rucking Heckler, I would be oriented towards the front of that […]
Rolled up to the parking lot a little early this morning, guess I hit the lights just right? As I was sitting there along in the dark, it reminded me of the end days of HEMI back down in Hudson. That AO had started strong but dropped off very quickly […]
Rolled in to the usual crowd, minus Swinger – on vacation. Luckily Baby Face was there so the mumble chatter was alive and well. I walk in the circle and try to start this thing, but they guys are clucking like hens this morning so I just started anyway… ATT […]
That’s one of the things I love most about F3… No Q? No problem… There are 4 other dudes here ready and capable of administering a beatdown if called upon. I wonder how many times that’s happened at a spin class at the Y? The scheduled Q was otherwise occupied […]
QIC EH’d pax the night before encouraging them to bring a towel, that they would definitely get wet.   upon morning arrival, spokes seemed to be the only one prepared.  Bismarck (Pre running from house plus a few miles didn’t feel the desire as if it would burden his run, […]
Pre: Word went out pretty early from folks who wouldn’t be able to make it for this mornings beating. Spokes is jetting around the country burning down lumberyards to keep his stock options up, and Babyface has been roped into leading a group of some other guys that just couldn’t […]
Day 3 of the week for a Babyface Q. I had missed my 5 for 5 chance by oversleeping Infinity, so I was ready to go for The Den. Twin showed up in his eco-friendly truck and no one else for a while. Finally Grout and Hanger roll in, and […]