QIC:  Cousin Eddie

I’ve been tossing around several topics to write about this month.  From how we’re a fraternity – a good one, mind you.  That led to fraternity jokes.  To warnings about how winter is coming and finally to introspective thoughts about my 5th year w/ F3.

With that in mind:

1:  I knew a guy who used to say that his fraternity was called Who Kept her Upsilon.  It’s house was right next to the I Felta Thigh house.

2:  Winter is coming.  F3 doesn’t stop when it gets cold.  You shouldn’t either.  Layer up.  Post.  There are some (usually those in the Over 200 lb Club) that enjoy the cold over Swamp Ass Season.  Come join them.

3:  Been posting for 5 years now this month.  Yea me.

Ok, now that that’s out of my system, let’s see if we can get to the meat of this thing.  No promises though. I’ve got lots of stuff rattling around in my dome this glorious morn.

Have you ever watched a video about someone doing something larger than what they appear capable of?  I just watched one like that (thanks for sharing Crop) where a guy dove into a pool.  No biggie right?  It was your basic run of the mill dive.  But the amazing thing is that this guy – Cliff Devries – is paralyzed on the right side of his body.  While the video is playing Cliff is talking in the background.  He’s saying things like:

  • There’s always more to you.  There’s always more to what you can do.
  • When you look beyond the surface, there’s always more.
  • You’re not going to find a lot of duty in what I do.  But it’s a lot of hard work.
  • What else is there?  What else do you have?
  • What more can you bring out?

Watch Cliff Diving here

That video got me thinking about what we do w/ F3.  From a 1st F perspective there is more to what we can do.  The workouts that we do on a daily/weekly basis are not easy.  When I started, I could complete about 50% of what was called.  But you guys brought out something in me that I didn’t know that I had.  We make each other look beyond our surface to do untold amounts of stupid exercises/rucks/relays.  It’s Example A of Iron sharpening iron.  You feel better after working out don’t you?  You may be sore from running Eleanor 13 times, but you’re better for it.  You’re a better man.  Something about that makes you a Better Husband.  A Better Dad.  You’re just better.  But what else do you have?

Self-improvement doesn’t have to end with 1st F, does it?  Pretty soon, our boy Flex Seal will be giving us details on a 3rd F gathering in January and it’s going to be awesome.  Keep your eyes peeled for details coming your way.  There will be needs for assistance.  I’m sure he’d appreciate any help that you can provide.

I’m reading Dredd’s newest book called Q Source (order your copy here).  That dude is something special.  It’s a great read, the dude is a wordsmith.  A modern day Bill Shakespeare if you will.  I’ll just share this from the introduction:

F3 was born on 1/1/11.  It’s initial purpose was to give men a way to improve their lives by exercising together as part of a workout community.  While that worked, we quickly realized that the members of F3 needed more than just physical fitness to improve their lives.  The also needed help in mastering their leadership skills.  Their families, their workplaces and their neighborhoods were all communities that needed leadership just as much as F3 workout community did.  From this need, F3’s mission of the invigoration of male community leadership evolved.  

1st F is super important and will always likely be our strongest F because it just comes naturally.  And 2nd F (Fellowship) is also strong in our region because it’s just fun to hang with you guys.  But to Dredd’s point, that doesn’t mean that we don’t need that 3rd F in our lives.  Let’s go ahead and bring out more in each other.  It may not come naturally to a lot of us and it will take some work, but I keep hearing from other regions how important 3rd F is to the transformation of a region from good to great.  Let’s see what good a little bit of 3rd F does for our lives.

There’s always more.



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