QIC:  Powder

Tooth Fairy was out West doing his own workouts that included going down a mountain very fast on pieces of wood so he asked for a sub-Q. Not knowing the stomachbug was going to hit YHCs house over Christmas I volunteered. Feeling better Thursday night I didn’t have to ask for a sub sub-Q. I did think about it when I looked at the weather and saw it was 100% chance of rain at 40 degrees but I digress.

Wanted PAX to get at least 3 miles so we went a little run heavy

Warmup- ATT x15 IC, Imperial Stormtroopers x15IC, Humpies x15 IC

Start running towards downtown. Two stops before to do 20 squat IC. Stop at town hall for wall sits and arm circles (or since we were so close rub the man beside you circles).

Down town stopped for 5mins of Mary. 6″, Freddy Mercury x15 IC, Low plank for a min. Mosey towards Cemetery hill.  Run half way up hill for 10 lunges/ leg OYO then finish at top of hill for 10 burpees OYO.

Run down hill towards hospital hill for partner chase. P1 run backwards while P2 does 5 hand release merkins, switch till we get to top.  Mosey back to Flag


WOD: Remember that Christmas does not end on Dec 26th. I was reminded of this this week when family Christmases have been spread out. Been able to have quality time with kids and family and to enjoy the season and it not be able just getting through it. This made me realize that we need to try and celebrate not just when the tree and lights are up but all the time.


PS: Ruckers were walking around with coffee. I am not sure if this was in their packs or what but I was a little confused. HAHA



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