QIC:  Sleeper

15 PAX posted at RAM on a cool Friday morning. First portion of the workout was inspired by a recently watched scene from the 1999 classic The Ladies Man. In the dark, leaping over a wall, and running through shrubs. YHC made no mention of this to avoid the early AM display of any potential smiley face tattoos. Those of you who have seen the movie know what I’m talking about. Those of you who haven’t, I would strongly encourage you to do so. Here’s how it went down.



Slow Squats 10 IC

Humpy’s 10 IC


The Thang

Mosey to the retaining wall on 8th Ave. for a ladder of the following – 5 burpey’s, Hop the wall, Run the parking lot, 1 hand release merkin. Run back to the start and repeat until the number of burpey’s and merkins are flipped to 1 and 5.


Mosey around the front of LR to the giant bear carving. Collect two rocks for 15 forward arm circles and 15 reverse arm circles.


Mosey to the Salt Block for down and backs of the following across the parking lot – Lunges x 2, carioca run x 2.


Found a bench for the following – 25 Seated dips, 25 Incline Merkins, 20 Seated dips, 20 Incline Merkins


Found stairs for 30 calf raises.


Moseyed to Main Ave., around the front of LR and back to the flag.


Finished with the following – 15 LBC’s IC, 15 Flutter Kicks IC, 1 min. High/Low Planks.



LA Dodger announcer Vin Scully on faith, “Thank God and hope to please God for one more year” & “Don’t let the winds blow your dreams away… Or steal your faith in God”


Mole Skin

“His rocks are bigger than mine” mumble chatter was heard during arm circles. Rocks were passed to the right between sets to ease any envy amongst the PAX.


Prior to the WOD, YHC was uplifted by these inspirational words from Flamer as we made our way back to the flag and the top half of the PAX began to pull away. “Just remember, all good Q’s lead from the rear…”



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