QIC:  Peaches

When Peaches got the nod to Q again at the world’s sketchiest AO, I gladly accepted the offer. The last time I had the privilege of leading the men of Hickory in a workout at this glorious AO, only two braves souls came out for a Peaches beatdown. Well this time, that number was tripled, and I must say, I’m glad it was, because it made the workout I planned all the more worthwhile.

So for those of you who were not there, here is how this little workout went down:

Warm Up:

  • SSH x 15 IC
  • Windmills x 15 IC
  • Humpies x 12 IC

Mosey to Caldwell County (since this is the biggest AO in the world and encompasses two counties).

  • I think we did some warm up exercise here
  • 15 Burpees OYO

Mosey back to the parking lot.

The Main Thang:

Line up at the bottom of the big stinkin’ parking lot hill (one of Peaches’ favorite spots at this AO).

At the bottom – 15 Moving Merkins – Then sprint to the top.

At the top – 15 1-2-3 Jump Squats – Then sprint to the bottom.

At the bottom – 15 Downward Dog Merkins – Then sprint to the top.

At the top – Invisible Chair Squats (Hold on YHC’s count)


Then we moseyed around the AO some.

Moseyed from the bottom of the parking lot, through the gates near the baseball field, up the sketchy metal stairs, up the rolling hills, and finally finishing at the the basketball courts.

There, Peaches set up some cones to spice things up.

At the first station, 5 cones were set up in an “X” formation.

  1. 10 Merkins
  2. (Center cone) 20 Burpees
  3. 30 Lunges (Single Count)
  4. 40 ISS (Single Count)
  5. (Center cone again) 20 Burpees
  6. 60 Squats
  7. 70 SSH (Single Count)

Then we moseyed to the next cone stations were 4 cones were set up in a rectangle.

  1. 10 Burpees then forward sprint to the next cone.
  2. 20 WWII Situps then carioca to the next cone.
  3. 25 Boat Canoe then backpedal to the next cone.
  4. 30 LBCs then carioca to the next cone.

Rinse and Repeat.

Next we cleaned up the cones since Peaches needed to leave right after the Q to get home and get ready to teach Cuz Ed’s and Beakers’ 2.0s and others, and moseyed to the base camp.

At this point, we had five minutes left, so it was time for last minute conditioning.

2 sets of suicide sprints

6 sets of regular sprints

And then we were done!


John 21:25 – “Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.”

How are we going to live our lives? We’ll we live it in pursuit of Jesus, who’s story is so great we can never contain it within all the books in the world?


As always, I pride my Q’s on containing minimal mubblechatter. What little there is, it always echoes the suck of the workout. I take that as a win in my book because as always… We don’t get up for easy.

Also, Cuz informed me that one of his 2.0s told him that my shirts were tight. Feeling self conscience, I came home and asked my M to tell me if the dress shirt I had on for school was, in fact, too tight. She informed me that it was not too tight in the midsection, but in the arms, they were a little snug. After thinking about that, I said to myself…. “Well at least I don’t have soccer arms.”

That’s what happens when you come to F3. You get manly arms. Unless you are on #soccerarmfamforlife, in which case you are destined to toothpick arms.

The end.



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