QIC:  Powder

The Thang:

Warm Up- SSH, ATT, Humpys (All IC X15)

We took off running towards Main Ave then stopped for Squats IC X20 and Hand Release Merkins X10 OYO. Take off again towards downtown. Stop at the City Hall for People’s Chair with Overhead Press IC X20 & Muhammad Ali IC X20. Take off running again, stopping at the new Lowes Park for some Mary. We did Flutter Kicks IC X20, 6″, and 1 min of low plank. Take off towards FBC parking lot expecting there to be blocks. The blocks were not there and YHC caught some major grief for them not being there (mostly from the Pax that took them to another AO, which will remain nameless). So instead we partnered up and P1 did 100 curls with brick while P2 did LBCs then P1 did 50 Arm extensions while P2 did WWII situps. I am not sure anyone did the correct amount with the amount of mumble chatter that was going on, well maybe Funyun, but enough were done to move on. Mosey to the base of Oakwood Hill and YHC was planning on sending all PAX up and down a few times but when I said “Up to the light and back” Publix responded with “We only have like 10mins left”. He was right we did only have 10 mins left and we were about 10 mins away so YHC called an audible at half way up the hill to turn around. Head back to LRU but not before we ran up Hospital Hill and did 5 Seal Burpees OYO.


Galatians 6:2- Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

Moleskin: This is my 3rd BB of the week and I don’t know if I have ever done 3 consecutive Backblast, let alone 3 in a week. So…. it was a good week and I loved seeing all of the PAX out this week. Have a good one



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