QIC:  Clifford BRD

You couldn’t have asked for better conditions for a beatdown. Clear skies, temps in the mid 40’s, and the birds a singing. The perfect setting for the perfect storm of pain that was about open up on the 9 brave PAX that posted. We had a special guest appearance this morning from NakedGun so happy to see you back brother. And our little 2.0 was back he still wasn’t feeling 100% but he gave his 100%. Good work little man this kid don’t know when to stop. So here’s how it all went down.

C.O.P. all IC

SSH x 20
Windmill x 15
LBC x 20
ATT x 15
Moroccan Nightclub x 40 slow-mo the last 10 for a little extra burn
Merkin x 10
American Tiger Hold x 5 If you know what a Tiger Hold is go ahead and combine that with American Hammer you won’t regret it. Or maybe you will.

Now this next section was an idea of our friend Trigger from Conover so for those that did this, this morning go blame him for your soreness.

No Block Left Behind. We had 15 stops that looped the top part of Copperhead Creek. Each stop had a different exercise. So this is how this goes down. You start out by taking your block to the first stop do the exercise then run back to stats point without a block then run back pick up the block and run to the next stop do exercise then run back to the to first stop then so on and so on until you ran and did exercise at all 15 stops. Here are the exercises we did. All done in single count OYO do what exercise you want to with the blocks.
1. 25 Squats
2. 25 Reverse LBC
3. 35 LBC
4. 25 Squats
5. 25 American Hammer
6. 35 Crunchy Frogs (3Dog loves these)
7. 15 Right Arm on block Merkin
8. 15 Left Arm on block Merkin
9. 40 Curls for Girls
10. 10 Star Jumps
11. 10 Big Boy Sit-Ups
12. 10 WW1 Sit-Ups
13. 20 IST
14. 20 SSH
15. 5 Blockees

The PAX that got done first round robin planks, tiger hold, Freddie mercury, and 6″ Storm Trooper while rest of PAX finished No Block Left Behind.

Short Mosey to picnic tables to get Motivated in a different way. Normally we do core work with this song, but YHC decided to change it up. So to NF Motivated we gots some dips in. During the course AMRAP Dips probably 80 total if you could do them fast enough. During the versus we got in all OYO
10 Incline Merkin
10 Decline Merkin
20 Step-Ups(10 each leg)
10 Box Jumps

Mosey to the swings for 10 Squrkins without the merkin and knees to chest hold from the monkey bars.
Then just for the fun of it up and over the rock. You want to see something funny watch The Dude do this.

Mosey back to picnic tables for 10 Cliffhanger Merkins.

And now back to the Flag to meet Mary all IC

Flutter Kicks x 15
Box Cutter x 10
Jane Fonda’s 10 each leg
Pickle Pounder x 10(Always fun to do when bystanders are around)


It was great to have NakedGun, Trainer, and PB&J back with us today. Like YHC said earlier PB&J was down for the count last week due to the stomach bug, but he was back at it today. We had a good turn out even though a couple of our guys where chasing down a Ghost Flag, we missed you guys, hope you found it. YHC didn’t hear a whole lot of chatter maybe cause all 9 PAX went Beast Mode. But one thing does jump out and it came from The Dude. This is what he said. ” Dang Clifford 30 Merkins then 40 Curls, YOU SUCK I CAN’T FEEL MY ARMS.” Thanks Dude YHC takes that as a complement. Frag and The Dude had a knock down drag race during NO Block Left Behind those two are crazy. Well that all YHC has to say.

15 See that no one renders evil for evil to anyone, but always pursue what is good both for yourselves and for all.‭16 Rejoice always,17 pray without ceasing,18 in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
‭‭I Thessalonians‬ ‭5:15-18

YHC closed out in prayer.

Always an honor! Clifford out!!!


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