QIC:  Cousin Eddie
  PAX:  Taz, Plank, NSD, Double Fault, Hot Lips, Markup, FNG: Ground Up, Blanche, Phelps, RPE, Belding, Cousin Eddie
  Date:  01/25/22
  AO:  Star

Rewind t0 2018.  A man used to roll up to Star.  There would be dudes pulling in anywhere between 05:20 and 05:40.  They’d get out of their cars, scratch their butt cheeks, yawn, open their trunk to get their walkers out.  Some of the walkers were dolled up w/ decorations.  Some had tennis balls on the bottoms so they would drag across the parking lot easier.  Dudes were dressed in bathrobes.  

Numbers varied.  Anywhere from 2 to 3; depending on the weather.  

At least one of those dudes would bitch and moan if his heart rate got above 80 BPM.  “Too Much Damn Running”. “Too Many Damn Burpees”….he was worse than the 2 old muppets that would heckle people from the balcony.  

Fast Forward to 2022:  

Dudes still ramble in not quite on time, but much closer to 05:30.  Average age has dropped from 85 to somewhere around 30*.  Attitude is great.  Mumblechatter is A+, but that’s really always been good out there in the ALX.  


Warmups, not standard.  Stolen with a touch of FNG Modification from T-Bone:

SSH x15 In Cadence

5 Burpees

ATT x 15 – IC

5 Burpees

Humpees x 15 IC

5 Burpees

Squats x 15 IC

5 Burpees

EMOM (Every minute on the minute):
10 merkins

6 squat jumps 

4 burpees

x5 rounds

Indian Run

stop for rocks, Curls for Gals x 15 IC/Overhead Press x 15 IC

Indian Run to block pile

One more EMOM

Grab blocks

 Partner Up for:

50 Curls/10 squats from P1

P2 does Lunge Walk until P1 is done x3 rounds

Had 10 minutes to kill:  so down to one of my favorites

One dude does a Farmer Carry and tells what the rest of us should do (hopefully its your least favorite exercise) until he gets back.  

I was very surprised b/c I knew that these guys would give us stuff like Seal Burpees, Block Burpees, Double Merkin Burpees, etc. etc. but they were being way too nice to each other.  The fun is watching dudes do something that you hate.  Oh well, we’ll get it right next time.  

COT/Name the FNG, etc.  Welcome Ground Up (he builds trucks from the ground up, hence the name).  

Had a blast fellas, thanks for the invite.  

* there is one 13 year old pax, so he throws the curve off a bit.  But still, they’re much younger out there

  • star really has gotten better.  I’m impressed.
  • way to stick with it fellas.  This is proof that getting a few FNGs can really change the dynamics of the workout.  And the change is always better.  
  • With that in mind, Always be Headlockin’ fellas.  We live and die w/ new dudes coming to the workout. 

CE out.  



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