QIC:  Powder
  PAX:  Cross Stitch, Retread, Squints, Caboose, Herniator, Phlegm, Cheese Wiz
  Date:  1/12/22
  AO:  Arrow

Got a text from Fuse asking for a sub-Q since Retread had told him “HECK NO!” so I thought I would step up. After sleeping in and resting the legs after this weekend it seemed like the alarm clock came a little extra early this morning. It could also have been that it was a nice cool 23F. CrossStitch picked me up and we headed to Corinth only to pull in and only see Caboose. At 5:15 it was still just us 3 but wait here comes more headlights. 


The Thing- Head out of Corinth towards 127, go down HHS hill and then take a left. Go down Rooster Hill, back across 127, then take a Right onto 21st. Wind around 21st till you get to Lake Road. Take a left onto Lake Rd and head back to the flag. In my mind this was going to be easier than it actually was after running this weekend. 


WOD-  During races running with friends where you can be accountable to them and they can be accountable to you is an amazing thing. I experienced that Saturday with some awesome F3 guys while I was doing something that I never thought I could do or would want to do. Now if we take same concept and move it to real life… Check on and run with people who may be struggling during their race. Help them to the “aid station”, get them some “food and water”, tell them they can do this stupid race because there is going to be time during each of our “races” when we think that we are never going to get to the finish line.  



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