QIC:  Clifford BRD
  PAX:  Annie Oakley, Pedro Martini, 3-Dog, Tapeworm, The Dude, and Clifford BRD
  Date:  05/20/2021
  AO:  the_jurisdiction

Six pax rolled into The Jurisdiction this morning yhc led me down. It was a fantastic 54° morning. So a few weeks ago when we decided to get The Jurisdiction up and running The Dude had done a partial workout that we had kind of tossed around and decided to go full swing with it this morning and we’d like to call it horseshoe read more about that here in just a couple minutes but here’s how it all started off.


Humpies x 10

Moroccan nightclub x 20

SSH x 20

Little arm circles x 20 forwards and backwards

Copperhead squat x 10


Mosey to the parking deck. And this is where the horseshoe comes into play. If you know anything about Taylorsville you know we having abundance of hills. So we started out at the top of one of those hills with 40 lbcs run down the hill around the corner and back up Town Park Road which is another little hill 40 merkins, then back down that Hill around the corner and back up the first Hill 40 lbc’s and then run back down that Hill back around the corner and back up Town Park Road at the top of the hill finish it off with 40 more merkins and there you have the horseshoe.


And since we were at the baseball field we decided to utilize the bleachers.

Step Up x 10 right leg

Dips x 10 

Step Up x 10

Dips x 10


Mosey over to parking deck and wheelbarrow the steps.


Mosey to courthouse court yard for a merkin ring of fire to end of time. 


Mosey back to flags and done.



So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead, even though you must endure many trials for a little while. These trials will show that your faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold—though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.

1 Peter 1:6-7




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