QIC:  Medball
  PAX:  Cousin Eddie, Short Sale, Belding, Flex Seal, Doughboy, Diamond Dave, Hay Hay, Publix, Creeper, Pony, Feeny, Annie Oakley, Bronco, FNG Snook
  Date:  04/28/21
  AO:  The Station

Woke up psyched for Showtime’s launch. This AO launch has been in the works, for the last 8 months, and today is the day!

Dressed, espresso, bathroom…out the door! 

Pulled into the parking lot at about 10 after and recognized Diamond Dave’s ride in the parking lot, of course he wasn’t in the vehicle, because he was pre-running solo. (The guy is a beast!) We did a quick scout out of the AO, then pax started rolling in, including an FNG 2.0 (welcome SNOOK).

Welcome, mission, and disclaimer delivered (always). Five Core Principles were quizzed with a passing grade, thanks to the group effort.

Warm-up: exercises were completed on a tour of the AO, including Prayer Trail, Stage area, and multiple parking lots

S: SSH’s

H: Humpies

O: Overhead Claps

W: Walking Lunges

T: Toe touches of an alternating fashion (aka: ATT’s)

I: Imperial Walkers

M: Merkins

E: Easy V’s

(see what I did there…SHOWTIME)

Mosey to the back parking lot and down to the bottom.

Thang #1: Dora 1, 2, 3

Partner up (odd number resulted in QIC joining a pair that was already formed, that makes a threesome…don’t make it weird). Each pair achieves a cumulated 100 merkins, 200 LBC’s, and 300 Squats. Yes, that is the correct order…check the exicon: https://f3nation.com/exicon/entry/3069/?gvid=398721 While one pax does the exercise, the other pax runs up to the conveniently placed cone and performs 10 Mtn. Climbers. Pax did well, pretty quick out of the gate, then the squats set in.  A couple pax were ensuring good form and took a little longer. The fast holes were instructed to plank or pick them up (never watch another man work). Knowing it’s important to set a good example, I chose to pick up Cuz. His focus on his squat form was impressive (he does like to critique others, but when you can get low like he does, whose gonna question it)  As I ran with Cuz up the lot, I found that the louder I cheered for him the faster he ran…hmm, maybe this pick up the 6 thing really works…or he’s speeding up so I’d be done. ….I know TWSS!

Thang #2: Merkin the Lot

A favorite of the former Nantan, we proceeded to walk up the back lot, stopping to do a merkin at each line.  Short Sale jumped out in front…kinda like them Mount boys do this one a lot! When done at decent pace, one quickly realizes that it’s a lot like a burpee, but without the flair. WHHOOO! Once 6 was up, we slow moseyed to the short hill beside the lot.

Thang #3: Ladder Hill

At the bottom, Plank Jack: 1, bear crawl up the hill, Star Jump: 5, crawl bear down the hill.  Continue up and down, increasing jacks and decreasing jumps with total reps always equaling 6. This exercise was surprisingly tricky, as there was a bush in the way. Somebody should probably trim that thing….it would be a better experience. _ _ _ _!

Mosey to starting lot

Mary (in cadence)

Peter Parkers, Gas Pumps, Flutter Kicks, W’s (not Juanitas…there was a 2.0 present), Freddie Mercuries, Batmans, Easy V’s


WOD: TRUST  – We’re all familiar with a lot of the cool Bible stories, and most of us know they all point to Jesus. However, have you ever thought about the other components of the stories.  Usually, something had to be in place for the miracle to be done. Examples: While Abraham and Isaac were heading up the mountain, after God told Abraham he would have to sacrifice Isaac, God had already sent the ram up the other side that would serve as Isaac’s replacement.  Before Jesus could feed the 5,000 a little boy’s mama had to pack his lunch of 5 barley loaves and 2 fish.  When she was preparing that food, did she realize that Jesus would be using it to perform one of the greatest miracles in the Bible….probably not.  However, God set all that in motion and took care of that, behind the scenes.  Most of us can look back to things that have happened in our own lives that show where God was working when we didn’t know it, until an issue was resolved.  The next time you’re faced with an overwhelming situation, think back to these examples or those instances and know that God often works behind the scenes.  If we’ll look to Him and trust Him, he will see us through.

We’ll be back next week with Diamond Dave on Q…watch out…that guy’s a BEAST!


-Being the third man in a partner workout is great, you don’t have to count.

-Anybody notice that back parking lot has a pretty good grade to it…not Mortimer good, but would make for some killer bear crawls.

-Showtime is gonna be a great AO…there’s a ton to do out there. We just scratched the surface.  Come check it out with us.  You’ll probably see something we can use or do that we haven’t seen yet.  Share it or even better offer to Q.  It makes you better, and it makes the other pax better.  

-Also, if you felt like today’s beatdown was too easy – Good on ya!  Doesn’t hurt my feelings.  Come on out, step into that QIC role and show me what a “real” workout looks like.  Just be sure to give Cuz a heads-up, so he can plan his modifications…or maybe post somewhere else.

Medball out!




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