QIC:  Shawshank
  PAX:  Shawshank, Clifford, The Dude, Plank, Pedro Martini, Powerband, PBJ
  Date:  02/05/06
  AO:  Copperhead Creek

The lucky seven came out to a brisk day to Copperhead Creek. Resident officer Shawshank was on Q, and this is how it went down. 

Round Robin Warm-Up:
Humpies x 15 (IC)
Copperhead Squat x 15
Run down and back across the parking lot
Merkins x 10 (IC)
SSH x 15 (IC)
IST x 10 (IC)

This morning, Shawshank was feeling the need for speed, so to make sure we were warmed up, Kenny Loggins serenaded us as we did SSH and bragged about how cool we’d look in Aviator glasses. Every time he said “Danger Zone” we did a squat. 

We needed to get to the picnic shelter, and a simple mosey wasn’t sufficient. We needed something more worthy of the F3 name. So a Indian Bataan Death Crawl seemed to fit the bill. PAX in back does 5 burpees, and on his way to the front of the line, gives a good game pat to the end of the line and proceeds to the front. Parking lot to picnic shelter. 

There also happens to be another picnic shelter close by that we need to check out. Lunge walk there, crab walk back, rinse and repeat. 

Now that everyone is loose and ready to go, it’s time for the Rolls of Jelly-o…. wait, sorry, Walls of Jericho to come falling down.
Round 1:
Merkins x 7 and a lap… somewhere between 1/8-1/4 mile
Round 2:
LBC x 7, lap
Round 3:
Shoulder Taps x 7, lap
Round 4:
Alternating Side Squats x 7, lap
Round 5:
American Hammers x 7, lap
Round 6:
Wojo Squats x 7, lap
Round 7:
Australian Snow Angels x 7, lap

Prison Walk back to the parking lot (arms up, LAC, etc.)


This week, two of our local PAX, 3 Dog and Clifford, lost their Dad. Clifford spoke up and reminded us that none of us are promised tomorrow, and that we should all be thankful for and and cherish our loved ones. Take time to tell them that you love them and make time to make memories. As James tells us, our life is a vapor. Make the most of it. Be a HIM. Leave a legacy. Be in prayer for their family in the coming weeks and months for God’s grace, comfort, and the hope of eternal life in Christ to fill their hearts. We are your brothers, and when you grieve, we grieve. We are here if you need us.

YHC out.




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