QIC:  Powder

This morning 4 of us preran including Publix who then had to bow out of RAM to get to work early. *My man also was trying to get back into running after having some major knee issues. Thanks for coming out this am Publix, hope the knee feels alright.* As we started to circle up we realized that Cheese Wiz was sick and then realized that Patti Mayo was not going to be able to be there either so YHC said he would take it. After some mumblechatter from the PAX about how the Clemson Tigers are the best team in college football (that’s how I remember it) we got to it.

Warmup– ATT, IST, Windmill, SSH

The Thang– We did the exact same route that we did for PreRun. Around LR, head downtown, towards Oakwood Cemetery, and up hospital hill. As we crossed 127 I realized we still had some more time so instead of heading straight back, we turned R towards the Salt Block. After a stop at the Salt Block we headed back towards LR. We stopped a total of 6 times to do a lot of different exercises including 50 merkins (Phlegm put me down on that worksheet). We got 3.65 miles this morning.

WOD– I did not have anything due to the short notice. I asked if anyone else had anything profound…. (crickets)

Powder Out



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