QIC:  Plank

Wow the IPC wk1 is no joke. 3 pax thought it would be a good idea to double down this morning. We met at 0600 to knock out the challenge needless to say it knock us out instead. We gave it all we had for a sold 2 and a half rounds and knowing we had a beatdown from Plank hanging over our heads we threw in the towel. But even though we couldn’t finish up the challenge we got better for sure Pedro Martini was on point hitting every rep he could but just And PBJ and YHC did our best to keep up. So we loaded up and went to and headed over to Copperhead Creek to see what Plank had in store for the next hour. When the 3 of us got back to park 4 others showed up so 7 pax total. And here’s how all that went down.

Good Morning’s x 10 ic

SSH x 20

ATT x 10

IST x 20

Now to set up this next thing that Plank had for us left us all just looking at each other and asking “now what are we doing” after 4 maybe 5 times of him explaining it we got it for the most part and the rest of the time we were flying by the seat of our pants. So here’s what went down. Plank told us last night to bring ruck sacks right then we knew it was going to be some kinda crazy. Here’s how it went.

Partner up while P1 had to put on the ruck sack and low crawl to P2 about 10-15 yards give or take. Tag P2 and he took off the station 2, which was Australian Mountain Climbers x 20 single count, then P2 tag P1 and he headed towards the swings for 10 Swerkins, tag P2 go to picnic tables and bench press picnic tables x 10, tag P1 headed down to different set of picnic tables for box jumps x 10, tag P2 and he does low crawl and you shoud be able to see how it goes from there. We did 4 rounds of that once done with the last round you and your partner had to do 50 ruck bag swings, 50 overhead press, and 50 leg lifts.

Mosey back to the parking lot to drop off all the ruck sacks then mosey down to the Wall.

Line up on a line and did 25 peekaboo streaks ic

Grab a spot on the wall for wall sit then threw in 20 overhead claps ic

Then Prison Break back up to the cars and done.


I do not want to see you now just in passing, for I hope to spend some time with you, if the Lord permits. 1 Corinthians 16:7


I’m sure there are other events I dont know about. But show yoyr support at as many as you can.

Sims BBQ 5k/mud run September 28th

Brew Ruck October 5th

Apple Festival 5k October 19th

Everest Challenge at Rocky Face November


Veterans Day Ruck November 11th

Reindeer Romp 8k not sure of date

Turkey Trot 5k November 23rd

Hospice Alexander 5k November 23rd

Run For Peru 5K December 28th


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