QIC:  Everybody

Oh man the weather we’ve been having on these mornings is getting us pumped for fall to hurry up and get here. 5 pax including an FNG took out on our week 4 of the August GORUCK challenge. Which was a 3 mile ruck then 3 rounds of partner work. P1 Sprint out 50m while P2 did a stationary overhead hold with ruck sack. Then do the same thing but 100m. Good times. Upon finishing up the GORUCK challenge we were joined by 4 more pax bringing us to 9 total including another FNG. And what better way to follow up the GORUCK then to start the Ironpax Challenge(IPC) and this is how that went down.

Warm up for those that didn’t take part in GORUCK.

SSH x 10

Little Arm Circles x 10

Squats x 10

Merkins x 10

Burpees x 5

ATT x 10

Plank x 20 seconds

Dips x 10

Now the week 0 IPC was all oyo and timed each pax kept up with their own time. This is how it went.

Squats x 24

Merkins x 24

Lunge walk x 24 down and back total 48 lunges

400m run

And we had the privilege and honor to do that 6 times

The T’ville times ranged from 27-45 minutes.

Had a great day working with these men today and yhc must say not sure about other AO’s but T’ville has an awesome group of 2.0’s. We had 5 2.0’s and 2 of them FNG’s. As father’s you men are doing the right thing getting your kids up and active. Keep up the good work our F3 future is looking bright. So yes there were more 2.0’s in T’ville this morning then adults. So back to our FNG’s lets give a big F3 welcome to Old Town and Plow Boy. Good work out there today boys.


I have much to write to you, but I do not want to use paper and ink. Instead, I hope to visit you and talk with you face to face, so that our joy may be complete. 2 John 12



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