QIC:  Pedro Martini

The sun was dawning on a muggy Taylorsville morning. YHC had aquired a snazzy new rucksack, so we decided to break it in with a quick 1 mile pre-ruck. Shawshank joined us when we made it back to the park and the fun began.

A few weeks ago my brother had pointed out a workout that totaled 1776 reps over various exercises. The original plan involved roughly 100 reps of an exercise over 18 days. Knowing that my Q was coming up, I thought this sounded like something the HIM’s of F3 should try and cram into one workout. This is what it looked like.

*Warm Up*
Mountain Climbers x 50
SSH x 25 (1 Star Jump to finish)
Merkins x 25
Freddie Mercury’s x 25
Lunges x 12 each leg

*Mosey Around Inner Track*
Squats x 25
Dips x 50
Flutter Kicks x 50
Squats x 25
Dips x 30
Flutters x 30
Squats x 25
Dips x 20
Flutters x 20
Squats x 25
Incline Merkins x 25
LBC x 25

*Mosey Around Inner Track*
Lunges x 24
Overhead Press x 25
Calf Raises x 25
Lunges x 16
Overhead Press x 25
Calf Raises x 40
Lunges x 10
Overhead Press x 25
Calf Raises x 30
Overhead Press x 25
Freddie Mercury’s x 25
Incline Merkins x 25

*Mosey to Brick Wall*
100 second wall sit
SSH x 12
LAC x 25

*Mosey to Flag*
Leg Raises x 30
American Hammers x 25

About the time we went to the brick wall time was almost up and we had to do some quick audibles. If you’re counting, we finished at 975 total reps. Uncle Sam would’ve been disappointed. There was quite a bit that had to be cut off the Weinke, but that just means we’ll have to save this one for a mini CSAUP at Copperhead Creek sometime. This workout done as a modified Route 66 would’ve probably worked better. There’s where being Q pays off in the real world. We problem solve, adjust on the fly, and learn how to be more efficient.

WOD: James 4:2-3 “You lust and do not have. You murder and covet and cannot obtain. You fight and war. Yet you do not have because you do not ask. You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures.”
We often go through life and are trying our best to make it through the day. We have a list of dreams that we want to attain, goals we want to surpass, and ideas on how it should all go. Rarely does it go that way. And so we take the weight on our shoulders and determine to do more to make it happen. We fight and we war, but we never pray. We never lay our burdens on the One who tells us to cast our cares on Him. Martin Luther once commented that he had so much to do during the day that if he didn’t spend the first few hours in prayer, he would certainly not get it all done. But James gives us a warning too. When we pray, our motives must be right. So often when we come before God with our lists of things we want, we do it with the wrong motives. We ask so that we can keep up with the Jones’. We do it so that we can boost our ego, so that everyone will see us and we can be the poster-child of success. However, our prayers must be in line with His will, and not just based on our own. Our desire should be to further the kingdom of God in each circle of influence, and our prayers should be to that end.


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