QIC:  Pedro Martini


So. Picture this. You’re laying there sleeping, dreaming of burpees and merlot splashes, and suddenly there’s an excruciating pain in your side. Is this appendicitis? Am I going to die? Nope. Turns out you’ve over slept, you’ve got 30 minutes to get you and your 2.0’s to the AO… and you live about 30 normal minutes from the AO. Also, you’re Q. That painful sensation was your wife’s elbow repeatedly gouging your intestines.

Made it. Two minutes to spare. Upon arrival there’s one adult FNG, and a couple new 2.0’s that were “persuaded” to come with their dads. I’ve been planning and thinking of a Q that will have everyone crying and spilling merlot, but I wasn’t expecting 13 people. Fantastic problem to have though.

And so it begins. We hit our 6, to change it up a little, and it went a little something like this:

Flutter Kicks x 15 (IC)
Hello Dolly’s x 10 (IC)
6 inches x 2 (approx 30 sec)
Merkin x 5 (IC)
Mountain Climbers x 10 (IC)
SSH x 15 (IC)
Seal Jacks x 10 (IC)

Short mosey, taking the long way of course, to the picnic shelter.

Incline Merkins x 10 (IC)
Step Ups x 10 (EL)
Knees to Chest x 10 (IC)
Incline Merkins x10 (IC)

Next we lined up shoulder to shoulder like we were the first line of a Roman Phalanx. Actually we were just preparing to assume plank position. Once in position we started with a cinder block on one side and passed it down the line to the other end. Once at the end, we did a one off merkin. Rinse and repeat for a total of four passes and merkins.

Now comes the fun part. Clifford BRD had made an adjustment to the tractor tires he had acquired. Now, they have handles. So begins the tortuous part of the workout. Dividing up into groups, we embark on a Dora 3-5-7.

300 Dips
500 Squats
700 Moroccan Nightclubs

While your team is doing the exercise, you must carry/flip said tire a certain distance and relay back. The 2.0’s had the traditional Dora.

Next, since we loved the tires so much we all jumped air rope while




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