QIC:  Cropduster [WD]

YHC, Plank and Humpy all met up at New Hope, loaded a bunch of weights and a Battle Rope and Bing’s brick thingies and then headed up toward Valdese in my crusty old truck which is about as old as I am.  My truck has a sagging suspension (like me) and the weight of Plank in the back seat made driving up quite an adventure.  Actually it was the weights in the bed of the truck but Plank wasn’t helping any!  🙂

We arrived at about 6:05 am and the conditions were COLD and WINDY.  We moseyed around the Old Rock School checking out the lay of the land, etc whilst YHC was putting the final touches of his workout together is his iron clad mind.  While running around Plank was obviously having some gastro issues and announced all he had consumed (solid and liquid) the night before.  Then he blew on out that was quite Juicy.  Clean up on Aisle 3.  We renamed him Jack Splat on the spot!

Up rolls Paula Deen, Spooner and Castaway.  With 6 PAX we were all set to go.  Then the outdoors school bell rang so we figured it was time to get going.


  1. Butt Kickers – we did everything IC with 12 reps today
  2. Hiney’s – ask High Knees
  3. ATT
  4. Humpies

Weight Lifting – Round 1:

  1. Curlz for the Girlz
  2. Bench Press
  3. Shoulder Press
  4. Jump Squats

Mosey around the back of the school, down the steps on the far side of the steps, over to the other steps, up to the field and stopped mid field:

  1. High Plank
  2. Low Plank
  3. Plank Jacks

Mosey back to front of school

Weight Lifting – Round 2:

  1. Tricep Extensions
  2. Bent Over Rows
  3. Lunges
  4. Lawnmowers

Mosey to Downtown and found a small wall – Alternating Step Ups

Mosey further Downtown and found the side of a building – Muhammed Alis, OH Claps

Recovered and went straight into Monkey Humpers.

Moseyed on wobbly legs back to AO

Weight Lifting – Round 3

  1. Big Boys with Weights
  2. American Hammer with Weights
  3. Another One
  4. Another One

Mosey to Hill at back side of School – bottom of hill

  1. 1 merkin
  2. run up hill to bleachers – 2 incline merkins
  3. Down hill – 3 merkins
  4. run up hill – 4 incline merkins
  5. Down hill – 5 merkins
  6. run up hill – 6 incline merkins
  7. Down hill – 7 merkins
  8. run up hill – 8 incline merkins

Sit in grass on field and share prayer requests

Mosey to front of building

One PAX would call a Ab exercise for the other PAX to do while he did Battle Ropes work – each PAX took a turn with calling an ab exercise and doing the Battle Ropes

7:30 and we are done!

COT – YHC read devo from March 3 in his book Jesus Talking.  We prayed for our requests.


Done – we ALL headed across the street to the Golden Arches for foood!!

Naked Moleskin:

This is the MOST AWESOME A/O!   It has everything one would need.  I didnt see chin up bars, but they were probably there somewhere.  It has walls galore whatever height you would want.  It has grassy hills.  It has paved parking lots.  It is in a beautiful setting in downtown Valdese framed by Mineral Springs Mountain.  While we worked out the wind stopped blowing (butt not from Jack Splat’s back side) and it warmed up a good bit.  There was an awesome somewhat full moon.  What an honor it was for me to lead these men in a good and fun workout right there.

Cropduster out!



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