QIC:  Clifford BRD

So a few weeks ago YHC set a New Year’s resolution that this year every Q I had coupons would be present. So with a upcoming Q YHC made a call to good-ol-Plank to ask for the power poles that Star has. So Friday we meet at Star and loaded up three of those devil logs. Then once back home loaded up the T’ville  cinderblocks. So the stage was set for the pain so follow in the gloom. So the time has come to show all the T’ville guys the toys YHC brought for us to play with. It was a nice chilly morning temps in the low 30’s with a nice cool breeze blowing which took the temps down to the mid 20’s. Don’t know about you but that’s perfect temperatures. So with 7 pax ready to go this is what happened.

All IC Started off with SSH x 25, humpies x 20, windmills x 15, and ATT x 15. Now that we got the blood is flowing the real fun begins.

So a while back YHC saw that another AO had done a Dora 1-2-3-2-1. So hey why not. So here’s what we did.

100 squats w/blocks

200 overhead press w/blocks

300 curls for girls w/blocks

200 squats w/blocks

100 overhead press w/blocks

While partner 1 was doing the block work partner 2 had to flip the power poles end over end four times then run back to flapjack.

Now this doesn’t look like much but it sucked very bad. So please try this at your AO if you don’t believe me.



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