QIC:  Cousin Eddie

Place:  The Rock, Old Rock School, Valdese

Weather:  a balmy 50’ish


Warmups: SSH x15IC, ATT x15IC, Merkins x15IC, Squats x15IC, Step Ups x15

Let’s mosey and check out what this AO has.  Large flat field in the back: check, track to run around on: check, several flights of stairs: check.

Partner up at bottom of stairs, 3 laps of running the stairs, 2 burpees at the top, run back down, switch w/ your partner, do ISS at the bottom.

Mosey to my whip to pick up 1 block, 1 rock, and one hunk of street.  Mosey up Main St/Hwy 70 and trade coupons as needed.  Pass by the Subway in a Gas Station, home of the Lady that likes the Extra Pickle Bag (this is a simple fact, not just another sly way for Cousin Eddie to get a phallic mention in there).  Stop at Myra’s – home of the disgustingly long and girthy hot dog.  Affectionately known as a Donkey D*ck in my world – to do 20 curls OYO.  Pax that doesn’t have a coupon does burpees until curls are completed.  Rotate coupons and repeat.  Once done, mosey up Main St some more.  Pass by Rock Drug.  Like egg salad and/or vegetable soup?  Rock Drug has your fix.  It did not go unnoticed that the 2 locals were unaware of this fact.  This bothered Cousin Eddie tremendously.  One more stop for 2 more coupon rotations and burpees if you aint got one exercise.

Mosey up to Centennial Fountain.  15 pickle pounders IC.  This is in honor of my M.  Sidenote:  she and I met at Valdese Weavers and would regularly have lunch – usually Subway – at this fountain.  Monkey Humpers x 15IC.  Step ups x10/legOYO.  Tunnel of Love across yard.  Grab coupons and mosey up to Waldensian Bakery where our man Doughboy works.  One pax does a bear crawl up and back street to switch w/ the pax that have coupons that are doing kettle bell swings.  2 rounds of this.

Mosey back.  1/2 way back we stopped for some Mary:

  • LBCs
  • American Hammer
  • Dying Coachroach

Mosey back to Rock School.  WOD.

Dear Dairy,

  • this AO has a lot to offer.  Great choice.  We only scratched the surface of this AO
  • the only thing we need now are more Pax
  • Tunnel of Love was fun.  I recall F3 of years ago where I would come home sweaty AND dirty.  I’m bringing back the dirty, keeping the sweaty
  • took a kick very close to the nards on the tunnel of love
  • it’s ok b/c is was from Taz and his Kid’s size 8’s are the only thing smaller than my junk out there
  • Hungry in Valdese and JD’s is closed?  Your best options are:  Rock Drug, Myras, Subway.  Just don’t order a hot dog if you’re at Myra’s.  They really are disgustingly thick.
  • Don’t take my recommendations seriously.  The last time I ate at any of these places was in 2000.
  • Proud of Turd Herder for having the initiative to start this AO.  T Claps bro
  • Yeast Roll did a great job for his first post.  We all remember how that went and wasn’t easy



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