QIC:  Pedro Martini and Clifford BRD

The Everest Challenge

So a few weeks ago we started gearing up for The Everest Challenge. We did all we could to draw a big group, but in the end 10 Pax showed. Not sure if is was the possibility of rain or the pain that kept more people from coming. But that’s besides the point. So as we got ready to start Mother Nature decided to show her ugly face and dump buckets of rain on us, but do you think that stopped us, oh no it only made us push harder. So here is a little back story about how The Everest Challenge came to be. Plank kept calling us the sherpas of Alexander County because of all the fun we were having at Rattlesnake Ridge. So that got YHC to thinking what can we do here other then the VMC. So one day while doing a VMC loop and 3-Dog and YHC were talking. And YHC told 3-Dog that we needed to see for sure how many miles of trails Rattlesnake Ridge had to offer. And it came to a total of 5.3 miles of trails. So since Plank was calling us sherpas. YHC did a little research and found out that the summit of Mt. Everest is 29,029 feet which just so happens to be around 5.3 miles. And the idea for pain took flight. So enough small talk this is how it went down. Pedro Martini and YHC took turns dishing out the pain.


Up 1st YHC
Burpees x 5 OYO
Squats X 10 IC

ATT x 10 IC
Little Arm Circles x 10 IC

YHC enough playing around let’s mosey. Started mosey into the wooded trails. Grind Stone was up first, but on our way up the trail there is a downed tree that’s perfect for a Raccoon Craw. Then continue up Grind Stone. Once at the top of Grind Stone trail YHC spilt the PAX into two different groups to set up the next exercises. Teams are set time to mosey again so we took off down Prison Camp trail. This trail is more open, but still a bad trail. This is the trail that Powerband took a fall on and had to get stitches. So with that fresh on our minds we careful mosey down the trail. And again taking advantage of downed trees. We spilt out into our teams. Team one would do decline Merkins x 10 IC while Team two knocked out SSH x 15 IC. Then Team two to the downed tree for Merkins x 10 IC while Team one knocked out SSH x 10 IC.

So the reason we spilt into two different teams was really for the next exercise we are calling The Freight Train. It’s done like an Indian run, but instead of one man passing the pax at a time. Team two would run as a group to get around Team one and so on and so on. Ok back down to the parking lot while here the two teams spilt up again and each team did a set of three different exercises. Team one started off with block work led by YHC.
Curls for Girls x 10 IC
Overhead Press x 10 IC
Blockees x 5 OYO

Team two led by Pedro without blocks.
Merkins x 10 IC
IST x 10 IC
Overhead Press x 10 IC

Team one no blocks
Windmills x 10 IC
LBC x 10 IC very fun in the pouring rain
Squats x 10 IC

Team two with blocks
Curls for Girls x 10 IC
Goblet Squats x 5 IC
Overhead Press x 5 IC

Time to start leg two this part would be 3.2 miles. Mosey back up the lower part of Grind Stone trail then on to Stairway to Heaven trail. Once at the rock face. We got in a Bear Crawl led by YHC then Pedro dropped about a 20 yard lunge walk on us. A little over half way up we stopped to do what we call Decline Plank Inch Worm. The pax get in Decline Plank position and the front man stands up and run up the rock face and gets back in plank. Went through one full cycle. At the top of that part of the rock face another Lunge Walk went about 10 yards forward and another 10 yards in a Reverse Lunge.

Finally at the top of Stairway to Heaven we hit the last trail Hollow Rock trail. This trail would take us all the way to the back of the mountain and all the way back down. So this trail is 2.2 miles. So we got ourselves picked back up for a mosey back down to the bottom. And done a total of 5.3 miles and over 800 feet in elevation change.

Once back at the bottom YHC made an announcement it wasn’t over yet. You see YHC has a birthday this coming Monday so we had to celebrate with 36 Moroccan Nightclubs IC. Now we are done.

We had a blast today taking on this event. 10 Pax started, but 7 finished. The Dude has to bow out early he had some things to do. And Pedro Martini and his son Powerband had to bow out early. Powerband’s hip was bothering him where his stitches are, but I will say this is one tough little guy pushed to the very end. He still had around 4 miles by the time they got to the bottom. This is not the last time you will hear about The Everest Challenge we will do it again and I hope you are there.


“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭27:17‬ ‭NIV‬‬

if a knife is blunt, it still continues to be a knife, although it is less effective, less useful in service. Let us therefore be encouraged to spend more time together, exhorting, encouraging, praying, admonishing, sharing God’s Word, praying over God’s Word and the needs of our local church, that we become sharper, more cutting in the ministry that the Lord has assigned to each of us. Too often what passes as fellowship in the modern church is centered on food and fun, not on sharpening one another with the Word of God. In far too many instances, the only knives being sharpened are the ones used at potlucks.

Finally, a knife that has been sharpened will also shine more because all the dullness has been rubbed off its surface. Likewise, we will shine better for our Lord if we do the things mentioned above consistently, all of which will unite us in harmony. “How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity” (Psalm 133:1). Therefore, as the author to the Hebrews says, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching” (Hebrews 10:24–25).






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