QIC:  Cropduster (always the WD)

SEVENTEEN PAX rolled into the lot at RAM in the early gloom this morning for a little fun and pain with Superman.  For the record Superman arrived early and disrobed (uncapped?) and flew to parts unknown in his underoos in search of Miss Lane.

The issue this morning was that Cropduster arrived early too and scoped out the AO in search of fun stuff to do.  At about 5:24 he found himself over at Hollar Mill and realized he would have to hoof it back so as to not be late.  So he arrived with about 30 seconds to spare and immediately forgot everything he ever knew – especially what to call those darned Alternating Toe Touches.  Of course Cousin Eddie picked up on that real quick and was letting the one liners fly right and left! #okiamstupid

Backup about 12 hours and Crop received a text from David Duralia asking where RAM met and when I asked him if he was coming his reply:  Roadkill will be there.  OK, I didn’t post at the ER so I had NO IDEA that Dr. Duralia was indeed Roadkill himself.  So I texted DD back and said – “Get your ass over there with him (Roadkill)”.  When he arrived and I asked him where Roadkill was – he said “I am Roadkill”.  #jokeonmebutilovedit

So we did this stuff:

  • SSH
  • ATT (I may have referred to them as Alternating Leg Lifts??)
  • Humpies – guest Q for the exercise:  Humpy

Run to the benches by McCrory center:

  • Big Boy Sit Ups with Feet on the bench
  • Alternating Step Ups (or per CE just Step Ups)
  • Incline Merkins
  • Decline Merkins
  • Tricep Dips

Mosey over to the back of University Christian High School – or whatever they call it (oh yeah we had already partnered up!)

  • P1 runs one way around building, P2 runs other way – when they meet up in front they do 5 squats while facing each other.  When they meet up in back they do 5 hand release merkins with a pattie cake! – 5 rounds of this.

Mosey past St Andrews, across the busy road and onto the hill – we paused mid way down:

  • P1 runs to the top of the hill and does 5 reps of whatever exercise he wants
  • P2 runs to the bottom of the hill and does 5 reps of whatever exercise he wants
  • Then P1 runs down and P2 runs up and they call out the exercise they did to their partner for them to do.
  • 3 rounds of this.
  • Since Crop was #partnerless he enjoyed calling out the exercise for himself to do at the next station.  #youhavenoideahowmanyissueshehas

Mosey across the street to that big triangle field surrounded by roads and boulevard of broken dreams:

  • Freddie Mercuries #crowdpleaser  hint:  they got their tushes wet
  • Flutter Kicks
  • LBC
  • RBC

Mosey over to Hollar Mill and up on the deck:

  • 10 burpees OYO (because I couldn’t think of anything else!)
  • Wide Arm Merkins
  • Diamond Merkins

One Big 17 Man Indian Run All the Way back to the AO.   The guy in back didn’t wait for the person running to reach the front – so it was a quickly rotating Indian Run.  That was a challenge but it was the most fun Crop had all morning – well except for everything else that we did.  It was a good morning to be alive, somewhat well, and hanging with 16 of the coolest men in this area.  #Blessed

Count Off

Name-O-Rama – so Peaches invited his neighbor Ryan ____________.  Yeah he told me at least 4 times what his full name was, but you see I’ve got issues and didn’t process that.  Ryan hails from Wisconsin, saw Bret Farve play in Green Bay, moved somewhere else in the Mid West, Went to Florida State and eventually found his way to Hickory where he is a choral director, choir leader, music professor or something similar at LRU.  My details are sketchy because of previously mentioned issues.  Possible choices for naming:  Cheese Curd, Ludwig, ACapella, CheezWhiz and maybe something else about Farve.  Much to CE’s dismay we chose CheezWhiz which Crop kept referring to as CheezWiz – so whatever.  Welcome Brother.

COT:  Crop recited an importnat Bible verse from Ephesians 5:25 “Husbands love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her”.  WE are called to not only love our wives in times of plenty but also in challenging times.  And we are also called to give ourselves up for her – to make sacrifices for our wives.  Let’s live it guys.  It’s important to our families.

Let’s see – here are some Random Thoughts:

It’s always good to see Patti “The Beard” Mayo – the dude can burpee!

Phleghm can run like a BEAST!

Herniator can run faster that us all even with issues left over from 10 trips down and up Eleanor!

Funyun is aptly named – he has this BIG smile on his face and seems to be having FUN.

CheezWhiz This dude can also run and his glasses fog up like Crop’s.

Peaches – he doesn’t have a runners build!  🙂  But he trys and he also wears skinny jeans!

Sooner – yeah I saw you beasting it today on the Indian Run – way to go ‘youngun!

Roadkill – you had me at hello.  WE had to make accomodations because he normally runs with girlz.

Humpy – he brought The Humpy to F3Hickory.  And he does them better than anybody thanks to his football coach Dave Thomas

Markup – He is a BEAST.  No really – I think he is Sasquatch in drag.

Banjo – I taught him everything I know about running – that was a 3 minute lesson – and now we all eat his dust.  #tunastrong

Udder Butter – tall, lean, faster than you think, but those Udders!  🙂

Cousin Eddie – always has something to say from the peanut gallery.  His fart today curled our nose hairs!

Flamer – he slapped me on the butt!  #daymade

Suppository – our AOQ – don’t you just love this guy – his gentleness, his smile.  The fact that he runs like a dern gazelle!

Kapowski – He quietly has a BIG heart of gold.  Another fast one!

Cropduster – to be so fast, so wise, so intelligent…..so HOT.  How do he do it?!  🙂  🙂



  • Everest Challenge tomorrow at Rocky Face
  • There were others (sorry folks! – issues)

Prayer Requests:

  • Kapo’s coworkers parent – due to cancer having knee replaced and femur removed/replaced today.  Serious prayer needed here.
  • Bed Bug’s Father in Law – admitted to hospice
  • Folks who’s houses and property damaged by tornadoes.

WE prayed.

Cropduster out!



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