QIC:  Baby Face

The PAX showed up this morning to make ME better. Everyone struggles with some of the regular exercises and today we are going to fix that!

Warmup (x15, IC)

Side Straddle Hops

Imperial Storm Troopers



Arm Circles (forward & reverse)

In between each exercise today one PAX was asked which exercise or move was their worst that is regularly done at F3. Then the group tackled it together before moving to next set. These included running(Indian run around AO), squats(Jump squats with bricks), shoulder raises(with bricks), Burpees(good form for these), ABs(FALCON tackled that). The QIC lined the workout with his weakest moves to test himself and the PAX. ALARM workout was first:

ALARM(w/ bricks, x15, 3 times)

  • Arms – Shoulder Press
  • Legs – Lunges
  • Abs – RBCs
  • R – aRm Extensions
  • M – Merkins

Next was a mosey up to the football field for Blackjack. You start on one side of the field and get 20 reps of legs(squats for us today) and then run the field. On the other side you get 1 rep of arms(Dips for the QIC). Then back for 19 and 2, 18 and 3, etc. making sure to total 21 each time. Due to time, we made it to 15 and 6, then switched reps to 6 and 15. Counted back up to 1 and 20 from there.

Blackjack(20 and 1, run the field)

  • Squats
  • Dips

Last was time with Mary. The guys seem to not like my FALCON set of ABs…so that must mean its working!

ABS: FALCON (x10, IC, No breaks)

Freddie Mercuries

American Hammers


Crunchy Frogs

Oblique crunches

Nee lifts (Yes, I know, I can’t spell)

Word of the Day:

Philippians 4:13 – I can do all this through him who gives me strength.

Luke 1:37 – For with God nothing will be impossible.

Isaiah 40:29 – He gives power to the weak, And to those who have no might He increases strength.

Thru Him, all things are possible. God gives us the strength to tackle any obstacle, physical or spiritual.

Baby Face out!



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