QIC:  Med Ball

Five strong posted on a cool morning at the station.

Warm-up at the Splash Pad:
SSH IC x 15
Squats IC x 15
Punches IC x 15
Merkins IC x 5 (Q has plenty of Merkins planned for later)
ATT IC x 10
American Hammers IC x 25

Mosey to parking lot
Thang 1 – Ascending Curb Crawl (OYO)
Q modified from 13 Derkins to 11, due to the quick realization that Derkin form was almost non-existent after round 9.

Thang 2 – Indian run around big loop, ending at swings

Thang 3 – Swull-ups and 4×4’s (OYO)
Partnered-up: group of 2 and group of 3
PAX 1 – 10 swull-ups
PAX 2 – 4×4’s until PAX 1 finishes 10
switch places
repeat for 5 rounds (50 swull-ups each PAX)

Mosey to lower rock pile by pond
Thang 4 – Put Ups
Each PAX chose a challenging rock he could hold in one hand. Starting position: rock placed between feet. Squat and grab rock with right hand, bring to right shoulder and press overhead, then return to starting position (equals one rep). After 50 reps with right arm, repeat with left arm.

Mosey to parking lot
Thang 5 – Elevens
10 Batmans (Supermans but arms out to the side), sprint to first light pole, 1 imaginary box jump (PAX jump as high as able and bring knees to chest), walk back to start
9 Batmans, sprint to first light pole, 2 imaginary box jumps, walk back to start
repeat until 1 Batman and 10 IBJ’s

Mosey to Splash Pad for Mary
-Boat/Canoe – Q’s call
-Flutter kicks IC x 20
-Sweat angels IC x 10
-Crab Cakes IC x 15
-LBC’s IC x 15
-Reverse LBC’s IC x 15
-LBC’s IC x 10

Word of the Day
James 1:2-4 Dear brothers, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow…
Just like F3 is hard but makes our muscles stronger. Trials we face challenge our faith and if we use our faith and stay focused on Christ, our faith will become stronger so we’re better prepared to handle the next trial

Great workout today…nonstop! Bulldog twisted knee on his imaginary box jumps, but finished Thang with squats #tclaps
Thank you for the honor of leading today.
Med Ball out.


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